
2017-04-24 00:10

一个国家的公民对那些有道德义务的人的想法是一个没有发现任何政治家或哲学家谁有他们的思想主要是在国家的国家制度的边界。大多数人的观点是,民族国家是一切,道德价值不延伸到它之外。然而,始终存在着一种观点,尽管它是少数人的观点,即人类对所有的人负有道义上的义务,而不考虑传统的民族国家边界。当今社会,全球化正在模糊传统的国家边界,道德义务应该凌驾国界的论点越来越强烈。Derek Heater认为快速电子通讯的有效性增强了全球社会的意识,国家公民关系正在减弱。(P196我们如何生活–全球伦理在新的世纪里,Booth等人2001)世界主义思想的理论也是近年来发展的一些争论的主题可能是理想主义的,不切实际的,他们的前提下有一些正当的理由。
The idea of citizens of one state having moral duties to those beyond is one that has found little favour with either politicians or philosophers who have based their thinking largely within the boundaries of the nation state system. The majority view has always been that the nation state is everything and that moral values do not extend outside of it. There has however, always been a view, albeit it a minority viewpoint that man has a moral obligation to all of humankind regardless of traditional nation state boundaries. In today’s society where globalisation is blurring the traditional nation state boundaries the argument that moral duties should override national boundaries grows stronger. Derek Heater argues that the availability of rapid electronic communication enhances the sense that there is a global community and that the state-citizen tie is being weakened. (p196 How Might We Live – Global Ethics in the New Century, Booth et al 2001) The theory of cosmopolitan thinking has also been developed in recent years and whilst some arguments on the subject may be idealistic and impractical, their premise has some justification.