
2017-05-30 03:38

Besides that, studies done by Tasouris, (2009), teachers in Cyprus thinks that with the help of ICT in Physics education students can explore in-depths the difficult concepts, motivate students and enhance their scientific understanding by exploring the animated pictures in interactive simulation for instance. ICT also enhanced active learning among the students. They can work on real life problems in depths and most importantly making learning less abstract. With ICT also encourage collaborative learning in terms of interaction and cooperation among teachers and students. Unlike static-text and print based text books, with ICT students can actually see what actually happens in certain phenomena for example movement of static charges in materials.Quite number of studies has stated that technology-rich learning environment has a positive impact on student learning. Studies conducted by Fraser, B & Aldridge, J, (2003) which investigating whether outcomes, focused and ICT rich learning environment promote student achievement, attitudes towards subject, attitudes to use of ICT and academic efficacy. They found out that certainly technology-rich learning environment has a positive and significant effect on student learning, attitudes towards subject, attitudes to computer use and academic efficacy.