留学生education作业代写 GPA标准

2020-11-18 19:28

留学生education作业代写 GPA标准
 I had hypothesized that PHS students of the class of 2019 identified in elementary school as highly capable will have more academic success in high school and be more likely to pursue traditional higher education. For the purposes of my research academic success is defined as higher than average GPA and SAT scores. The survey yielded results outlined in Table A. Unexpectedly, the cumulative mean GPA for Highly Capable students was only 3.311, compared to an average of 3.573 for non-accelerated students. After conducting a T-Test for significance, the resulting p-values is 0.53, meaning that not only does the data not provide statistically significant support for my hypothesis, but in some respects refutes it. Student number 7 of the Highly Capable group is a strong outlier, pulling the mean GPA down. Without student 7, the Highly Capable group has an average GPA of 3.663, slightly above the non-accelerated group, but falls to 3.311 with the addition of student 7. Either way, there is no correlation between Highly Capable participation and elevated GPA. SAT score results had even less correlation, as p=-0.23. The average Highly Capable SAT score is 1273, compared to an average of 1194 for non-accelerated students. Still, both groups are well above the national average of 1068. Highly Capable students are expected to follow an accelerated track throughout their secondary education, and difficult AP courses may account for lower GPAs. Results somewhat support this idea. While Highly Capable students averaged 6.8 AP classes total, non-grouped students had an average of only 4 AP classes. The T-Test indicated no strong correlation with a p-value of 0.25.The results of this study suggest that the initial hypothesis was wrong. There is no statistically significant evidence to suggest that being a part of the PSD Highly Capable Program had any effect on students’ test scores or GPAs. With a p-value of .53, there is no confirmed correlation between participation and student success.The implications of these findings is somewhat unclear. If there are truly no effects from Highly Capable education, should resources be pulled from these programs? This study and further research may influence the schools district’s decision to further or reduce the use of ability grouping in the future.I have concluded that the experimental results did not yield completely reliable results because of some of my limitations. I had a small sample size of 15 students, making my statistical test for significance somewhat unreliable. A larger sample size would have produced much more accurate evidence to support or refute my hypothesis. There is also some nonresponse bias from those who chose not to participate in the survey, meaning that the data may be skewed based on who chose to respond. Additionally, although the surveys were anonymous, responses may be inaccurate in an attempt to make the participant look better on paper. Finally, I had an outlier in the Highly Capable group who had a very low GPA and test scores and who did not plan to graduate, meaning that my results may be skewed.

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