
2018-07-17 15:07

自从现代通信技术在课堂上被引入以来,关于社区精神对学生学习进步的重要性的争论就开始了。在21世纪之交,多篇影响深远的研究论文提出了“精神学习社区”的概念1,这是一个大学课堂,社区精神是学生毕业成功的主要因素。一组科学家试图深入研究大学课堂上的社区意识现象。McKinney等人在2006年的研究中尝试测量课堂社区的感觉,看看它是如何影响学生的满意度的。他们还研究了学生在课堂上表现的变化与他们的课堂社区意识的变化之间的关系。在对40名心理学学生的对照研究中,作者同时使用了定性和定量的研究方法。1课堂社区感(SCC)采用J. Schweitzer的《社区社区感》评价工具中的“社区感问卷”进行测量。作者努力消除潜在的偏见,通过编码过程使数据完全匿名。结果令人印象深刻。皮尔逊相关统计分析显示高度阳性(p<)。005, p<.015) SCC与学生对课程的感受以及他们是否认为自己的学习经历是成功的关系。本研究中另一个重要的发现是:更高的考试成绩也与scc的增加相关(p = .029)。重要的是要看看是否可以从不同课程或项目的研究中得出类似的结论,从而使研究结果得到全面的概括。


Ever since the modern communication technology was introduced in a classroom, the debate is taking place about how important is the community spirit for students’ progress in their learning.1 At the turn of the 21st century, multiple seminal research papers presented the idea of a “spiritual learning community”1, a college classroom where community spirit is the main contributing factor for students’ graduation success1. A group of scientists attempted to look deeper into phenomenon of a sense of community in a college classroom. McKinney et al1 in their 2006 research made an effort to measure a sense of classroom community to see how it affects students’ satisfaction level. They also examined how the changes in students’ performance in a classroom can be correlated to the changes in their sense of classroom community.1 In their controlled study of 40 psychology students the authors used both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.1 Sense of Classroom Community (SCC) was measured with the “Sense of Community Questionnaire” adopted from J. Schweitzer’s “the Sense of Community in Neighborhoods” assessment instrument.1 The authors made significant effort to eliminate potential bias, the data was made fully anonymous through the coding process.1 The results proved to be quite impressive. The Pearson correlation statistical analysis showed highly positive (p<.005, p<.015) relationships between the SCC and how students feel about their course and whether they perceive their learning experience to be successful.1 Another important observation made during this study: the higher examination grades were also correlated (p = .029) to the increase in the SCC.1 Unfortunately, the experiment was limited to psychology students. It is important to see if similar conclusions can be made from a study of a different course or a program so the findings can be fully generalized.