
2018-06-15 13:22

然而,当比较方法应用于教育时,它可以被定义为教育学和社会科学的结合。教育中的比较方法涉及学校的结构和目的。Noah和Eckstein(1969)提出,教育领域和社会科学领域已经合并,因为研究集中在类似类型的统计和一致的主题问题上。此外,这两个领域之间的合并的另一个原因是对数量和经验和调查方法的明显兴趣(Noah和Eckstein 1969)。比较研究法在教育中的应用目的在于四个方面。克罗斯利和沃森(2004)试图找出这些目的。首先,它允许利益相关者理解他们自己的教育结构。其次,它为个人提供了机会,使他们能够理解他人的教育结构、文化及其社会互动。第三,个人将能够认识到教育结构、程序和效果的对比,作为记录和理解教育问题的手段,并有助于发展教育指导原则和传统。第四,它支持加强全球理解和协作,因为对世界的各种信仰和传统有了更多的了解。
However, when the comparative approach is applied in education it may be defined as being a combination of pedagogy and the social sciences. The comparative approach in education deals with the structure and purpose a school serves. It is suggested by Noah and Eckstein (1969) that the field of education and the social sciences have merged because researches have focused on analogous types of statistics and congruent subject matters. Furthermore, the other reason for this merger between fields is the noticeable interest in quantitative and experiential and approaches of investigation (Noah and Eckstein 1969). The application of the comparative approach in education is purposeful for four main reasons. Crossley and Watson (2004) have tried to identify these purposes. Firstly, it allows stakeholders to comprehend their own educational structure. Secondly, it provides individuals with the opportunity to also be able to comprehend other people's educational structures, their cultures and its societal interactions. Thirdly, individuals would be able to recognise contrast educational structures, procedures and effects as a means of recording and comprehending the issues in education, and assistance to the development of educational guiding principles and traditions. Fourthly and finally it supports enhanced global comprehending and collaboration owing to augmented understanding to various beliefs and traditions of the world.