
2018-08-04 21:56

美国是世界上最伟大的国家。人们有理由期望世界上最伟大的国家拥有世界上受教育程度最高的公民——除了一件事:那根本不是真的。作家Mark Bauerlein在他的书《最愚蠢的一代》中提出了一个引人注目的论点,这个论点得到了令人眼花缭乱的大量统计数据的支持,即美国的教育正在衰退,威胁着我们国家的未来。美国在数学和科学上排名第29,美国怎么可能成为世界上最伟大的国家呢?或者,当53%的高中生在美国国家地理学会历史知识考试中得分“低于基本水平”时(Bauerlein 17)?想想当高中高年级学生遇到现实世界时会发生什么。他们将成为我们选举产生的官员,为我们的国家做出生死抉择,然后会发生什么呢?Bauerlein将这些看似可怕的数据归咎于“千禧一代”出生的数字时代,以及如今的学生们如何不再觉得有必要保留那么多的知识,因为他们只要打开iphone,就可以在需要的时候上网查询。这是尼尔·波斯特曼在他的书《自娱自乐至死》中谈到的社会和政治力量衰退的征兆,以及知识在衰退中的价值。
The United States is the greatest country in the world" is a cliché asserted everywhere. One would reasonably expect the greatest country in the world to have the world's most educated citizens-except just one thing: that simply is not true. Author Mark Bauerlein in his book The Dumbest Generation lays out a compelling argument backed with a dizzying number of statistics that America is on the decline educationally, threatening the future of our country. How can United States be the greatest country in the world when it is ranked 29th in math and science? Or when 53% of high school seniors scored "below basic" in historical knowledge on an NAEP history exam (Bauerlein 17)? Think of what will happen when those high school seniors meet the real world. They will be the voting block and pool to draw from to become our elected officials who make life and death decisions for our country, and what will happen then? Bauerlein blames these seemingly terrifying statistics on the digital age millennials were born in, and how students today no longer feel the need to retain as much knowledge when they can just flip out their iPhones and go look it up online when they need to. This is a symptom of the declining social and political potency Neil Postman talks about in his book Amusing Ourselves To Death, and that the value of knowledge on the decline.