留学生教育学代写assignment 私立学校

2021-01-15 20:49

由于四年制大学的性质是私立的,它几乎完全依靠学费和杂费来创收。因此,这是四年制大学面临的两个主要问题之一。2016- 2017年,1830亿美元的收入中,90%来自学费,私立大学平均收取约4.8万美元的学费(麦克法兰等人)。2018)。这些学费中的大部分后来被用作机构资助,而不是实际的费用。2018- 2019年,私立大学创造了约46%的折现率(Johnson 2019)。因此,在2015-16学年,首次就读全日制本科院校的学生平均花费是公立四年制私立院校的两倍。平均而言,私立非营利机构在2015-16学年的教学支出占总支出的32%,其中包括教师的工资和福利,而公立机构的这一比例为30%(麦克法兰等人)。2018)。然而,当我们考虑到90%的收入来自学费,而学校把更多的钱用于机构资助时,教学成本就越来越多地被迫与其他优先事项和需求竞争。反过来,许多院校为了控制这些成本,转而聘请兼职、兼职或随意聘用的教师。事实上,从1999年到2016年,在所有高等教育中,兼职教师的比例从43%上升到47%(麦克法兰等人。2018)。这种增长掩盖了人们对四年制大学是住校的看法,即教师和学生在教室之外距离很近。

留学生教育学代写assignment 私立学校

 Because of their nature as private entities, Four-Year Colleges are nearly completely reliant on tuition and fees to generate revenue.  As a result, this is one of two major issues facing Four-Year Colleges.  In 2016-17, 90 percent of the $183 billion in revenue was generated from tuition and private colleges, on average, charged around $48,000 in tuition (McFarland, 2018).  Much of that tuition is then used as institutional aid, discounting the actual sticker cost.  In 2018-19, private colleges set a record discount rate of around 46 percent (Johnson 2019).  As a result, first-time, full-time undergraduate students paid on average twice the net cost at private, 4-year institutions as their public counterparts in 2015-16 . On average, private nonprofit institutions spent 32 percent of their total 2015-16 expenditures on instruction, which includes faculty salaries and benefits, comparable to public institutions’ 30 percent (McFarland, 2018).  However, when one considers that 90 percent of revenue is generated from tuition and institutions are dedicating more of those dollars to institutional aid, the instructional costs are increasingly forced into competition with other priorities and needs.  In turn, many institutions look to control these costs by turning to part-time, adjunct, or at-will instructors.  In fact, from 1999 to 2016, the percentage of part-time faculty in all of postsecondary education increased from 43 percent to 47 percent (McFarland, 2018).  This increase belies the perception of Four-Year Colleges as residential, where faculty and students are in close proximity to one another outside of the classroom.