北美paper代写 教育系统

2020-09-09 23:15

北美paper代写 教育系统
  Traditionally, most educational systems have used a more punitive approach to discipline. A student has had a specific behavior such as bullying another student, they were given some type of suspension, and told to return in a few days. Restorative practices instead work to try to find the root cause and bring the people together so that they can work out their differences. According to the article Keeping Kids in Schools: Restorative Justice, Punitive Discipline, and the School to Prison Pipeline, “It has been consistently documented that punitive school discipline policies not only deprive students of educational opportunities, but fail to make schools safer places.” Punitive discipline does not address why a student had the misbehavior and how to properly change for the future. In addition, punitive discipline only perpetuates what students often know which is action then consequence, it doesn’t matter why.So often a student does not connect the reason for a suspension or continues the behaviors at home thus making a suspension useless. Instead, restorative practices have the participants address what happened and how it can be fixed or repaired. Punitive discipline policies often increase future disciplinary problems and lower academic performance. On the contrary, school based restorative justice models work to increase accountability, restitution, and restoration of the overall community. The school to prison pipeline is how prisons are built in communities whose 3rd grade reading levels fall below a certain level, more often in low income and minority populations. It is also said that a higher rate of behavioral suspensions can cause a student more likely to end up in jail or prison. Working to change the school to prison pipeline is very challenging but is very possible. One way to work towards increasing student achievement and ensuring that students are prepared for the demands of the world is through restorative practices. Often times, teachers provide consequences for students without understanding the root cause of a behavior. For example, a student may act out in class when called on and such a teacher provides a detention or verbal redirect to address the misbehavior. With restorative practices, the student and teacher would sit down afterwards and answer a few questions regarding what happened, who was affected, and what can they do to move forward or fix it. The student learns how their behavior impacted the teacher and vice versa. Both parties are able to explain their position and work towards a resolution that works for all.