北美HRM作业代写 人力资源规划HRP

2020-05-13 13:56

人力资源规划(HRP)被组织用来确保“合适的人在合适的时间从事合适的工作”。近年来,人力资源规划的性质随着组织需求的变化而变化。稳定、确定性和短期解决方案已演变为“环境不稳定、人口变化、技术变化和国际竞争加剧”。为了有效地解决人力资源问题,组织必须考虑长期和短期的解决方案(Jackson和Schuler, 1990)。人力资源规划通过有系统的技术来评估组织在未来满足其劳动力需求的程度,人力资源计划是通过查看商业计划而形成的。Anytime Fitness需要考虑是否需要新的健身经理,或者他们是否能满足现有员工的需求。如果一家公司过度雇佣员工,这将导致利润损失。如果Anytime Fitness选择不雇佣任何人,那么公司可能会过度雇佣现有员工。招聘的挑战是在业务需求不一致的情况下填补空缺,而聘用高质量人才人力资源规划涉及预测组织的未来需求。Anytime Fitness可以使用三种预测方法。系统的技术分析过去和现在的经验(泰勒,2014)。招聘活动受季节趋势影响(Su和Yang, 2013)。可以预见,健身行业是季节性的,夏季和新年鼓励了“想成为健身爱好者”(Kulp, 2003)的涌入。这表明,人力资源经理应该考虑全年对健身中心经理的需求,或者季节性经理是否会工作。预测未来需求的另一种方法是通过管理判断。这种方法基于管理者对人力资源未来可能需求的主观看法(Taylor, 2014)。从成本中回收成本是另一种预测方法。这包括取消回顾健身中心过去经验的过程。或者,它涉及到未来的预算和“有多少人的工资水平是可以承受的”
北美HRM作业代写 人力资源规划HRP
HR planning (HRP) is used by organisations to ensure that “the right person is in the right job at the right time” . In recent years, the nature of HRP has changed due the changing needs of organisations. Stability, certainty and short term solutions have turned into “environmental instability, demographic shifts, changes in technology, and heightened international competition”. In order to effectively address HR concerns, organisations have to look at long and short-term solutions (Jackson and Schuler, 1990). HRP looks ahead using methodical techniques to assess the degree to which an organisation will meet its requirements for labour in the future A HR plan is formed from looking at the business plan. Anytime Fitness need to consider whether a new fitness manager is necessary or whether they can still meet demand with their current workforce. If a firm over hires employees this will result in a profit loss. If Anytime Fitness, choose not to hire anyone then the firm could overkill the current workforce. The challenge for recruitment is to fill vacancies under inconsistent business demands, and hire high-quality talent HRP involves forecasting future demand for an organisation. There are three forecasting methods that Anytime Fitness could use. The systematic technique analyses past and current experiences (Taylor, 2014). Recruitment activities are affected by seasonal trends (Su and Yang, 2013). The fitness industry is predictably seasonal, with summer and the new year encouraging an influx of “wanna-be-fit-converts” (Kulp, 2003). This suggests that the HR manager should consider the need for a fitness centre manager all year round or whether a seasonal manager would work. Another way to forecast future demand is through managerial judgement. This approach is based on subjective views of managers about the possible future needs for HR (Taylor, 2014). Working back from costs is another way of forecasting. This involves removing the process of looking at past experiences of the fitness centre. Alternatively, it involves looking at the future budget and “how many people at what salary level would be affordable”