
2018-09-30 20:55

排序意味着区分有用的和冗余的组件和进程,并删除后者。按顺序设置意味着把正确的东西放在正确的位置。合适的地点应该是容易到达的,并且在需要的时候避免浪费时间。该组件还将确保容易地识别任何丢失或不足的组件。光泽与清洁和秩序有关,而标准化是在质量水平的背景下进行的,在生产过程中必须使其成为常规。这种方法的维持是它结出果实的唯一途径,因此,这方面也包括在步骤中。JIT也以减少浪费为基本目标。然而,有点不同于精益,JIT需要广泛和高效的生产流程之间的通信以及整个价值链集。例如,为了运行一个紧密有时限的生产和供应系统,是很重要的有类似的和高效的系统建立与供应商和转运蛋白。Greene Kings有两家啤酒厂,满足了该公司在英国各地拥有和运营750多家酒馆的庞大生产需求,并将啤酒出口到全球30多个国家。因此,这两家啤酒厂的生产必须是完美无缺的,最少浪费资源和时间。精益可以作为一种有效的工具来分解生产和物流中的各种过程,并识别任何可能被删除的冗余过程或有改进空间的过程。
Sorting implies distinguishing between useful and redundant components and processes and removing the latter. Setting-in-order would mean putting the right thing at the right place. The right place would be one that is easily accessible and prevents waste of time in reaching it when required. This component would also ensure that any components missing or falling short would be identified easily. Shine related to cleanliness and order, while Standardization is taken in the context of the quality levels that must be made routine in the production process. The sustenance of this method is the only way it will bear fruits and thus, this facet has also been included within the steps.JIT too, is based on the essential objective of minimizing waste. However, a little different from lean, JIT requires extensive and efficient communications between the manufacturing processes as well as the entire value-chain set. For example, in order to run a tightly time-bound production and supply system, it is important to have similar and efficient systems established with the suppliers and transporters.Greene Kings has two breweries that cater to the vast production needs of the business that owns and runs more than 750 pubs all over UK, besides exporting its beer to more than 30 countries in the world. Therefore, production at the two breweries has to be a flawless with minimum waste of resources and time. Lean can be used as an effective tool of breaking down the various processes in production and logistics and identifying any redundant processes that may be removed or processes that have scope for improvement.