
2018-06-21 11:46

世界上每一种语言都有不同的口音和不同的变体,这是事实,非母语人士以不同的方式说目标语言。有时,他们说的东西和英语母语的人完全不同。avery&ehrlich(1987:9)将外国口音称为“其本质是由学习者的母语决定的”。然后,说话人的母语可能会影响目标语的发音。Jack and Willy(2002: 184)指出:“我们说话的方式是我们身份的一部分,也就是说,语言原因之间的音位差异,是一种用外语说的目标语言。”一些亚洲学生,特别是土耳其成年学生在一些英语发音或单词方面有困难,而这些在他们的母语中并不存在。例如,声音/°/和/Æÿ/土耳其语言中不存在导致土耳其学生面对困难发音这些声音当他们讲英语。所以它们在母语的影响下发出这些声音。其次,母语的影响是不可避免的。这是学习英语发音最重要的因素。如果有人想说一门母语如口音的外语,他/她应该从他/她的童年开始学习。例如,开始在讲外语的环境中学习英语的孩子。因此,他们比学习第二语言的孩子更有优势.
Every language in the world has different accent and varsities is true that non native speakers speak the target language in a different way. Sometimes, they speak highly different than native speakers of English do. Avery& Ehrlich (1987:9) calls the foreign accent "the nature of which is determined to a large extended by a learners' native language. Then, native language of speaker may influence on the pronunciation of the target language. Jack and Willy(2002: 184) states that" the way we speak is a part of our identity ,that is, phonemic differences between language cause, a target language which will be spoken with a foreign language". Some Asian students specifically Turkish adult students have difficulty in some English sounds or words that are not exist in their first language. For example, the sounds/ð/ and / Ɵ/ are not exist in Turkish language which lead Turkish students to face difficulty to pronounce these sounds when they speak English. So they produce these sounds under the influence of their first language. Then, the influence of native language is inevitable.This is the most important factor in learning English pronunciation. If someone wants to pronounce a foreign language with a native like accent, he/she should start to learn it during his/her childhood. For example, children who start learn English language in foreign language speaking people environment. As a result, they have more advantage than the children who learn the second language in