
2018-12-28 00:31

早期行为主义者之间的论战的一个最初的断言是假设的理解只能获得通过“查询的过程,始于theory-free观察到目前为止所有事实,然后概括归纳法则是从观察的经验规律”(桑德斯:2010年,p.50)。根据行为主义者的观点,研究人员为了维护他们研究政治科学的方法的价值自由性而费了很大的力气(Bay: 1965),结果,“政治分析家关心的是对政治的功能性方面的科学研究。”因此,他与价值观或道德无关”(贾亚帕兰:2002,第82页)。从理论上讲,行为主义中使用的科学方法方法应该产生理论和观察结果,这些理论和观察结果应该保持不偏不倚和中立的观点。然而,在现实中,“方法上的坑洞”和“伪伦理中立”都损害了经验论的公正性,挑战了研究和观察的质量。因此,许多行为主义的批评家指出了围绕数据的收集、包含和解释的许多问题,他们认为这些问题是行为主义方法的一个关键缺陷。休伦(2000,p.3)认为,这些“学者们在过去几个世纪中公认的错误、问题、偏见和影响,混淆了优秀研究的进行”。虽然我承认这些问题并不是行为主义所独有的,因为它们影响着政治学的每一个研究。我认为有必要讨论它们,因为它们会导致行为主义者声称客观性的问题。最终,这削弱了行为主义作为政治学研究方法的有效性。
One of the initial assertions of the early behaviouralists was that hypothetical understanding could only be attained through a “process of enquiry that began with theory-free observation of ‘all the facts up to now’ and which then derived law-like generalizations inductively from the empirical regularities that were observed” (Sanders: 2010, p.50). According to behaviouralists researchers take great troubles in order to assert the value free nature of their approach to the study of political science (Bay: 1965) and as result the “political analyst is concerned with a scientific study of politics in its functional aspects. As such he has nothing to do with values or morals” (Jayapalan: 2002, p.82). Theoretically the scientific methodological approach used in behaviouralism should produce theories and observations which remain unbiased, with a neutral point of view. However, in reality both ‘methodological potholes’ and ‘pseudo-ethical neutrality’ compromise the impartiality of empiricism, challenging the quality of research and observation. As a result, many critics of behaviouralism have identified numerous problems surrounding the collection, inclusion and interpretation of data, believing them to act as a critical shortcoming of the behaviouralistic approach. Huron (2000, p.3) believes that these “fallacies, problems, biases, and effects that scholars have, over the centuries, recognized as confounding the conduct of good research”. Although I acknowledge that these problems are not unique to behavioralism, as they affect every study of political science. I believe it is imperative to discuss them as they cause the behaviourists claim of objectivity to be problematic. Ultimately, this weakens the validity of behaviouralism as an approach to the study of political science.