History Assignment代写:王朝声誉

2017-02-12 00:57

这种想法的声誉和形象是都铎王朝的君主极为重要。肖像的君主是一个重要的途径,他们的存在和力量的统治者会成为永恒记忆。国王和昆斯委员会的工程描绘他们丰富的,强大的王朝。然而,“女王不能总是控制他们的形象”[ 27 ]同样的方式,国王可以。例如,玛丽本人的画像给她精心打扮但“不伦不类,既不是富豪也不是标志性的。”[ 28 ]事实上,使玛丽形象今天是不是一个成功的女性统治者,像伊丽莎白,而她是怀念Bloody Mary,拱迫害和宗教偏执狂”[ 29 ]。然而,肖像庆祝和理想化的小国王爱德华统治时期,尽管他缺乏权威,他统治只有通过当事人和法院指导室。这种理想化不足的国王权力移交昆斯再次表明支持层次王位的趋势。 也许最重要的是在君主的形象是象征的剑和书举行。这些符号有重要意义,在都铎王朝的君主和作为物理表示的强度准则和神圣的权利“统一教会和世俗权威”。然而这些符号并不总是出现在都铎女王的肖像,事实上“剑趋于消失或发生在女王”[ 31 ]太放不强调这本书描绘的从属关系。这可能是由于性别的从属关系,认为妇女较弱,低人一等,无法“填补统治者的主要职能在更大的秩序的宇宙:代表上帝对她的人民。

History Assignment代写:王朝声誉

This idea of reputation and of portrayal was extremely important to Tudor Monarchs. Portraits of Monarchs were one of the key ways in which their presence and power as ruler would become immortalised and remembered. Both Kings and Queens would commission works to portray them as rich, powerful and dynastic. However, “queens could not always control their image”[27] the same way that Kings could. For example, Mary I’s portraits show her elaborately dressed but “otherwise nondescript, neither regal nor iconic.”[28] In fact the popularised image of Mary today is not that of a successful female ruler like those of Elizabeth, but rather she is remembered as “Bloody Mary, the arch persecutor and religious bigot”[29]. However, portraiture celebrates and idealise the reign of the child king Edward, despite his lack of authority, for he ruled only through guidance of the Privy Chamber and courts. This tendency to idealise insufficient kings over power Queens again shows the hierarchy of favourability to the throne.

Perhaps most importantly in the portrayal of Monarchs is the symbolic representation held by the Sword and the Book. These symbols hold great significance within the Tudor Monarchy and are used as physical representations of strength of rule and divine right “unifying ecclesiastical and secular authority”[30]. However these symbols do not always appear on the portraits of the Tudor Queens, in fact “the sword tends to disappear or undergo subordination in portrayals of the queen”[31]as too is the Book placed with less emphasis. This is perhaps due to the affiliation to gender which would deem women weaker, inferior and unable to “fill the ruler’s primary function in the larger order of the cosmos: to represent God to her people”[32].