
2020-01-02 22:53

企业的国际战略需要适应当地的商业环境。在现代商业环境中,企业采用一种可以在世界不同地区应用的国际战略是一个挑战。成功的国际战略是根据当地商业环境灵活调整战略(Pradhan, 2018, p.n.d)。在全球商业环境中,国际化进程已经改变了世界各地许多企业的前景。这造成了一种动态的市场情况。企业的快速国际化导致了企业间的高度竞争。企业国际化的原因各不相同。然而,在大多数情况下,企业追求国际化战略是因为国内市场不再有足够的增长机会。国际化理论之一是折衷范式。这一理论是由邓宁提出的。该理论的重点是理解国际生产的形式和模式(Kumar和Kapoor, 2015, p.1998)。这一理论强调,企业跨国经营是因为外国市场的吸引力。根据这一理论,国际经营使企业能够利用外国的机会。该理论还讨论了国内市场的优势使企业在国外市场获得成功。折衷范式理论侧重于与目标国家的地理位置相关的优势。
The international strategy of businesses requires adaptation to the local business environment. In the modern business environment, it is a challenge for businesses that adopt an international strategy that can be applied in different parts of the world. The successful international strategy is one that provides flexibility to adapt the strategy according to the local business environment (Pradhan, 2018, p.n.d). The internationalization process, in the global business environment, has changed the landscape for several businesses across the world. This has resulted in creating a dynamic market situation. The rapid internationalization of businesses has resulted in a high level of competition for businesses. The reasons for internationalization differ among businesses. However, in most of the cases, firms pursue internationalization strategy because the domestic market is no longer adequate in terms of opportunities for growth There are various internationalization theories that have helped in understanding the theoretical background of the process.One of the internationalization theory is the Eclectic Paradigm. This theory was proposed by Dunning. The focus of this theory was on understanding the form and pattern of international production (Kumar and Kapoor, 2015, p.1998). The theory has highlighted that businesses cross borders because of the attractions of the foreign market. As per this theory, the international operations allow businesses to exploit opportunities present in the foreign land. It has also been discussed in this theory that the advantages in the domestic market allow businesses to achieve success in the foreign market. The theory of Eclectic Paradigm focuses on advantages related to the geographical location of a country that is targeted .