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2019-05-08 15:19
Some teachers expressed a fear that if children with SEN were incorporated into their classroom of typically developing children, that the typically developing children would be disrupted. However research by found there to be no unfavourable effects for the initial students when SEN children were included in the school. Some question whether or not a child with SEN might not be better off in a setting specifically built for their needs. It must be noted that in certain circumstances where a child has severe SEN, that be indeed be the case and inclusion is simply not plausible. However it is cruel to think that a child who, for example, needs a wheelchair, may not be able to attend a mainstream school and receive the chance to experience what their typically developing peers experience due to a mobility “problem”.In order to achieve successful inclusion within a school teachers would need to receive quality training and have sufficient resources. If a teacher believes inclusion can be achieved without too much “hassle” it may well be that their attitudes towards individual children and the topic of inclusion may grow to be positive (if they were not already so). In a study carried out by Leatherman and Niemeyer (2005) it was established that when teachers encouraged interactions among children with and without SEN, or other disabilities, a positive environment for inclusion was created. When teachers assisted the children’s participation in the activities they also encouraged the development of good relations among the children and succeeded in creating an accepting environment in the classroom.
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