北美心理学作业代写 自我实现的能力

2020-03-20 00:20

在蒙台梭利课堂中运用Roger的人本主义方法,引导学生实现自我实现的能力。教师应该支持孩子发现他们的自我概念,所以重要的是教师不应该控制她的课堂,应该放松学习环境。(罗杰斯,c . 1961)。人本主义理论强调学生而不是教师在解决自己的问题时所扮演的主要角色。根据我在蒙台梭利的经验,学生们以自己的方式学习,而老师则是学习过程的促进者。因此,给学生答案是不合适的方式来帮助学生学习和实现自我实现(罗杰斯,C. 1961)。当材料对学生的个人需求有意义并给予他们学习的动力时。教师的目标是了解学生的需求、价值、动机和自我认知,最重要的是帮助学生学习(Rogers, C. 1961)。从我的学生教学经验来看,重要的是给予每个学生情感上的支持,通过发现孩子之间的相似性来支持个性和多样性。人文主义的观点并没有提出包容的框架,而是提出了一系列主要的原则,这些原则可以被看作是对生活的指导,具体如下:强调个人责任,这意味着我们实际上没有什么“必须”做的事情。人本主义理论家认为,我们的行为代表了我们在特定时刻想要做什么的个人选择。(中,2019)。强调在“此时此地因此在人文主义方法中”的功能,人们不必成为他们过去的受害者(Medium, 2019)。在治疗过程中,病人认识到个体的现象学,从而了解自己,并制定出适当的策略来解决他们的问题。罗杰斯强调个人成长,称之为“成为一个完整的功能,而马斯洛把这个想法称为“自我实现”。
北美心理学作业代写 自我实现的能力
Applying Roger’s humanistic approach in the Montessori classroom, the teacher should guide the students towards fulfilling their abilities to achieve self-actualization. The teacher should support the child in discovering their self-concept so its important that the teacher should not be controlling in her classroom and should be relaxed learning environment. (Rogers, C. 1961). The humanistic theory emphasised the major role of the student rather than the teacher in solving his or her own problems. From my experience in a Montessori the students `learn in their own way where the teacher would be the facilitator of that learning process. Therefore, giving students the answer is inappropriate way to help students learn and achieve self-actualization (Rogers, C. 1961).  When materials are personally meaningful to the student needs and gives them the motivation to learn.  The teachers goal is to understand their students needs values motives and self perceptions most importantly the teacher's goal is to help the student learn (Rogers, C. 1961).  From my student teaching experience its important to give emotional support for each student, support both individuality and diversity by finding the similarities among children.The Humanistic Perspective has not presented inclusive framework, but rather a collection of major principles that can be seen as a directive to life this are as followed: Emphasis on personal responsibility this means that there is practically nothing we “have to” do. Humanistic theorists argue that our behaviours represent personal choices of what we want to do at a particular moment. (Medium, 2019). Emphasis on functioning in the “here and now therefore  In the humanistic approach, people needn’t be victims of their past (Medium, 2019).  Acknowledging the phenomenology of the individual During the course of therapy, clients come to understand themselves and develop an appropriate strategy for resolving their problems.. Emphasis on personal growth Rogers called this ”becoming a fully functioning, while Maslow referred to this idea as “self-actualization”.