波士顿作业代写 研究数据

2020-02-24 19:39

研究数据信息基于澳大利亚统计局(ABS)的数据库,更可靠、准确。自1983年以来,劳动力参与率增长缓慢(ABS 2005:劳动力的特点)。1978年至2004年,女性劳动力参与率提高了12.1%。中年已婚妇女在劳动力中所占比例特别高(ABS 2005:劳动力的特点)。1978年,近三分之一的女性从事兼职工作,到2004年,这一比例已升至42.9%。临时就业已成为劳动力市场的一种重要形式,特别是年轻人和妇女更喜欢临时就业。因此,性别作为控制casulisation趋势的比例。在澳大利亚,性别收入差距绝对是一个存在的问题。从1994年到1999年,女性的收入明显下降,因为男性的平均小时工资增加了。最近,性别差距仍然存在,但增长缓慢,妇女的低薪工作减少,但越来越多的男子在低薪劳动力市场已转入低薪传统的女性工作(1999:9馆)。澳大利亚的平均工作时间持续增长(Pocock 2003:20)。长时间工作的女性比例从10%上升到19%,这可能与女性越来越多地参与专业和管理岗位有关(ABS 2003:长时间工作的人)。尽管女性劳动力比例在增长,但澳大利亚的劳动力性别隔离程度仍然很高。综上所述,本研究考察了澳大利亚劳动力市场的性别不平等。他们发现,在这段时间里,劳动力中的性别不平等有好有坏,甚至更加严重。总体而言,性别职业隔离加剧,妇女就业、兼职和临时就业的增加更大,低技能行业的妇女雇员没有得到公平待遇,特别是在私营部门。这些结果显示了劳动力中性别不平等的复杂情况。虽然研究背景相当古老,但作者所讨论的问题近年来仍然存在。在我看来,这篇文章对我的主题仍然是有用的,作者提供了一些关于性别不平等的有用信息来适合我的主题。
波士顿作业代写 研究数据
The research data information was based on the databases of the Auatrlain Bureau of Statistics (ABS) which is more reliable and accurate. Since 1983 workforce participation has increased slowly (ABS 2005:Characteristics of the labour force). During 1978 to 2004, female work force participation has increasde by 12.1 percentage. Middle-age married women particularly increased in the labour force ( ABS 2005: Charateristics of the lablour force). Almost a third of women worked part-time in 1978, and has grown to 42.9 percent by 2004. Casual employment has becoming an important form in the labour market especially young people and women would prefer a casual employment. Therefore, gender as a proportion controlling the casulisation trends. The gender gap in earnings is definitely an existing  problem in Australia. The clearly time between 1994 and 1999, women’s earnings decreased beacause men’s average hourly rate grew.Recently, the gender gap growth still exists but slowly down, low wage work for women decreasing but increasing number men in low paid labour market have been moved into low wage traditional feminised jobs ( Hall 1999:9). The average working hours in Australia keeps growing (Pocock 2003:20). Women working long hours grew from 10% to 19%, it might  relate to women increasingly particapate in professional and management positions (ABS 2003: People working very long hours). Australia features high gender segregated work force even though the growth of female work force paricipation. In conclusion, the study has been examined gender inequality in Australian labour market. They found that gender inequity in the work force are mixed even have worsened over this period. Overall, sex occupational segregation increased, a larger increase of women’s employement, part-time and casual employement increased and women employees in low skill industries are not treated fairly especially in private sector. These results show a complicated situation for gender inequality in the work force. Although the reaserch background is quite old the issues which the authors discuss  is still existing recent years. In my opinion, this article is still useful to my topic and the authors did provide some useful information about gender inequality to fit my topic.
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