北美assignment代写 科学探究

2020-09-22 00:16

科学探究中的项目导向学习(PBL)是一种引人入胜的教学策略,它通过具有挑战性的任务提供学习科学概念的机会,鼓励学生探索、构建新知识、做出决策,并与同伴合作。(Erdogan & Bozeman, 2015)。科学中的PBL要求学生不仅展示他们的科学知识,而且展示他们可以在现实生活中应用的方法(Nicole Holthuis, 2018)。在课堂上更有效地实施PBL策略的基本因素之一是评估方法。纳入正确和真实的评估策略对PBL在学习科学概念中的功能有重大影响。基于近十年来的研究,本文献综述将集中于最适合项目学习方法的评估方法和策略。基于Amy Trauth-Nare和Gayle Buck(2011)的研究,以及其他许多近期研究(Medine Baran, 2018;Pantiwati & Husamah, 2017;Nicole Holthuis, 2018),形成性评估被认为是基于项目的科学学习的最佳方法之一。形成性评估的目的不仅仅是评估学生的成就。它是关于评估学生对一个科学概念的理解或不理解。由于PBL是以学生为中心设计的,因此教师可能无法为学生提供足够的建设性反馈和批判性思维的支持。然而,研究表明,PBL在使用恰当的形成性评估策略时最为有效,如自我评估和复习、同伴评估以及使用规则提供明确的学习目标和期望时(Amy Trauth-Nare和Gayle Buck, 2011)。有人认为,这些教学方法和技巧,使学习者有机会在教师的指导和反馈下组织和跟踪自己的学习过程,比使用对话技巧的传统方法更有效。
北美assignment代写 科学探究
 Project-based learning (PBL) in scientific inquiry is an engaging instructional strategy that provides the opportunity of learning science concepts through challenging tasks that encourage students to explore, construct new knowledge, make decisions, and collaborate with their peers. (Erdogan & Bozeman, 2015). PBL in science requires students to demonstrate not only their knowledge of science, but also the ways that they can apply it in the real life (Nicole Holthuis, 2018). One of the fundamental factors to implement PBL strategies more effectively in the class, is the methods of assessment. Incorporating proper and authentic assessment strategies has a significant impact on the functionality of the PBL in learning science concepts. Based on the research carried out in the last 10 years, this literature review will focus on the assessment methods and strategies which best suit the project-based learning approach.Based on a study by Amy Trauth-Nare and Gayle Buck (2011), and also many other recent studies (Medine Baran, 2018; Pantiwati & Husamah, 2017; Nicole Holthuis, 2018), formative assessment has been considered as one of the best approaches in project-based science learning. The purpose of the formative assessment is not just evaluating the achievement. It is about assessing what students do or do not understand about a science concept. Since PBL is designed to be student centred, it is possible for teachers not to provide students with enough constructive feedback and support of critical thinking. However, research has shown that PBL is most effective when appropriate formative assessment strategies such as self assessment and revision, peer evaluation, and providing clear learning goals and expectations using a rubric are utilized (Amy Trauth-Nare and Gayle Buck, 2011). It is argued, that these teaching methods and techniques, which give learners the opportunity to structure and track their own learning processes with the guidance and feedback of the instructor, are much more effective than traditional methods, which use the dialogue techniques.
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