
2019-11-28 13:05

The very idea of World Englishes (WE) is quite exceptional and one of which has turned into a fixation for current researchers such as Robert Philipson and Edgar W. Schneider. Sociolinguistic and regional variations of WE are being examined vastly by researchers to deepen their understanding of why English as a first, second or foreign language has become one of or if not, the most dominant language in the world. One could say that English has taken the place of languages such as Esperanto which sole purpose was to eventually become the world’s most commonly spoken language or the ‘lingua franca’.With many theorists such as Cogo and Jenkins (2010), believing that English will benefit one of the world’s leading political unification, the European Union (EU), because it serves the purpose of a lingua franca (mutual understanding) for borderless communication, others such as van Parijs (2011, p. 220)believe that English as a lingua franca serves as a loss of ‘parity of esteem’.In this essay, therefore, I will review areas such as the use and spread of English from nativisation and colonialism as it is first and foremost important to understand how English became the so-called lingua franca­­ in today’s modern society. It is also crucial to draw attention to one of the most groundbreaking approaches to the ownership and use of English as discussed by Kachru. The focus of the essay is the use of English in Europe; politically and socially. I will endeavour to address how English is used in the context of the European Union, education and the specific context of founding members; France and Germany with a specific focus on Italy. One of the other key topics that will be reviewed is the effect of Brexit on English within the context of Europe and any obvious effects this could have on the UK ‘Brexiting’.