
2017-03-30 11:27

德国的国际新闻组织。这篇文章是在《时代》杂志的第二天出版的,题目是:“音乐产业眼中的数字时代,越来越乐观”,大多数内容都是从艺术家的角度出发的,尤其是他们是否在金钱和曝光方面得到了他们应得的东西。有趣的是,Elvers Guyot用了一些时间片中发现相同的来源,但在她的故事,他们似乎拥有的主题非常不同的看法。例如,说唱歌手和制作人威廉承认看到一线希望被非法下载和盗版有自己的工作,而且即使有人记录的一部分,在手机上显示他的乐队,然后贴在YouTube上(因此具有潜在破坏性的销售展示的DVD发行),这是不是一件坏事:“我的名字是在那里,”他说。“这是每个人的嘴唇谁看到剪辑,这是有用的,当你巡演。如果有人看到你在YouTube和喜欢他们所看到的,然后他们就想来看你的生活”(Elvers Guyot,2007)。Elvers Guyot随后采访了EMI的Roger Faxon总统,他坚持认为,他的公司不仅没有对未来的恐惧,但在新技术方面有很高的希望:“我们认为社会网络和推广的渐进式扩张是非常有前途的,”法克森说。“如果我们建立正确的许可证制度,音乐市场将继续开花。如果不是,悲观主义者将被证明是正确的和盗版会开花,但是我们不会允许”(同上)。
writing for Deutsche Well, the German-based international news organisation. The piece came out the day after the one in the Times, and was titled: “Music Industry Eyes Digital Age With Growing Optimism.” Most of the content was from the perspective of the artist, in particular whether or not they were getting what they deserved in terms of money and exposure. Interestingly, Elvers-Guyot used some of the same sources found in the Times piece, and yet in her story they seemed to possess very different views on the subject. For example, rapper and producer admitted to seeing a silver lining to being illegally downloaded and having his work bootlegged, and that even if someone recorded part of his band’s show on a mobile phone and then posted it on YouTube (therefore potentially damaging sales of the show's DVD release), it was not a bad thing: “Our name is out there,” he said. “It’s on everyone’s lips who saw that clip and that is useful when you’re touring. If people see you on YouTube and like what they see, then they will want to come and see you live” (Elvers-Guyot, 2007).Elvers-Guyot then interviewed EMI President Roger Faxon, who insisted that his company not only held no fear of the future, but in terms of new technology had high hopes for it: “We think that social networks and the progressive expansion of promotion are very promising,” said Faxon. “If we create the right licensing system for this, the music market will continue to blossom. If not, the pessimists will be proved right and piracy will blossom, but we will not allow this” (ibid).