美国ACCT作业代写 美国金融机构富国银行

2020-05-10 02:13

美国金融机构富国银行(Wells Fargo)在一个非常危险的经济环境中表现出色。在2008年的货币危机中,该行无法继承瓦乔维亚银行,成为美国资产第三大银行。数年之后,公司的收入不断增长,股价不断飙升,使公司的市值降至约3,000亿美元。然而,在成功的背后是一种组织文化,驱使员工在计划中开不诚实的账户,以达到崇高的销售目标。2011年至2015年,公司员工开设了超过150万个银行账户,申请了超过6.5万张客户姓名的信用卡,这些信用卡将不会获得营业执照。许多以前的员工报告说,公司的销售目标不可能达到,而薪酬激励和当前的就业激励则激发了整个系统的缺陷。富国银行(Wells Fargo)迫使员工进行交叉销售,向客户提供一种产品,比如支票账户或储蓄账户,让他们额外获得其他形式的产品,比如信用卡和贷款。一位前员工将其描述为一个“磨房”,同事们“在挣扎中崩溃”。另一位前员工报告说:“如果你不能满足你的解决方案,你就不是一个有团队精神的人。”如果你被解雇了,你的永久记录就会曝光。2014年年中,该银行曾试图通过“副学士道德研讨会”(associate degree ethics workshop)来遏制不诚实行为,该研讨会警告员工不要用客户的名义开设虚假账户。富国银行还调整了薪酬结构,减少了对销售目标的压力。然而,在接下来的几年里,这些努力是不够的。公司继续以不诚实的账目解雇员工。这家金融机构的女家长Eshet表示,“我们已经采取的措施是有效的……我们倾向于区域单位继续尝试和做了很多。”他们自己的分析显示,到2015年,虚假账户有所减少,但仍有几个账户在创建中。
美国ACCT作业代写 美国金融机构富国银行
American financial organization Wells Fargo was beating the percentages in a very dangerous economy. Throughout the money crisis in 2008, the bank is non-inheritable Wachovia to become the third-largest bank by assets within the United States. A number of years later, its growing revenue and soaring stock brought the company’s price to just about $300 billion. However, behind this success was an organizational culture that drove staff to open dishonest accounts in the plan to reach lofty sales goals. Between 2011 and 2015, company staff opened over 1.5 million bank accounts and applied for over 65,000 credit cards in customers’ names which will not are licensed.Much former staff reported that company sales goals were not possible to satisfy, and incentives for compensation and current employment inspired vice the system. Wells Fargo pressured staff to cross-sell, giving customers with one sort of product, like checking or savings accounts, to additionally obtain alternative forms of product, like credit cards and loans. One former worker represented it as a “grind-house,” with co-workers “cracking struggling.” Another former worker reported, “If you don’t meet your solutions you’re not a team player. If you’re conveyance down the team then you may be laid-off, and it’ll air your permanent record.”In mid-2014, the bank tried to curb dishonest activity with associate degree ethics workshop that warned staff to not produce pretend accounts in customers’ names. Wells Fargo additionally changed its compensation structure to put less stress on sales goals. However, within the following years, these efforts weren’t enough. The corporate continued to get rid of staff over dishonest accounts. This financial institution’s female parent Eshet expressed, “The steps we’ve got been taking are effective…[and] we tend to area unit continued to try and do a lot of.” Their own analysis showed a decline in pretending accounts by 2015, however several were still being created.