温哥华代写Assignment 现在的策略

2017-01-01 21:51

不像现在的策略,该公司的人力资源部门一直作壁上观,M&S需要意识到,人力资源是指能够提供具有竞争优势的公司,可比公司的竞争,更好地实现并购的使命和其他长期目标(郑、拉蒙德,2009)。要做到这一点,并购的最高管理层将被要求聘请顶尖人才在公司的人力资源部,并赋予他们的责任,代表部门在最高级别的组织。而不是仅仅参与组织的业务规划,该公司的人力资源部门应发挥核心作用,涉及他们的战略规划过程(层,1987)。这样的组织可能想出不仅更好地满足组织的要求,但该公司将拥有该公司将为其实现战略目标所需的合适的人才战略计划(tonngton et al.,2008)。推荐的方法将通过适当平衡人们的人力资源吸引在组织和企业的战略和财务需要M&S提供边缘(格拉顿,1998)。人力资源的战略整合,通过放大等人建议,(1990)将使该组织开展以集成方式的公司计划,公司将受益于一个连贯的战略,在公司的不同活动可针对保持产品和服务的质量以及完成不同的效率在市场有效地进行。当人力资源在组织内会有企业内部的核心作用,组织内的管理人员和工作人员将在位置用粉笔画出不同的战略和战术,对组织目标的承诺和愿望将得到保证,公司将能够在更多的创造性和创新性的从每组织的每个成员的个人承诺的方式把它的使命(莱特et al.,2001)。

温哥华代写Assignment 现在的策略

Unlike the present strategy where the HR department of the firm has been sidelined, M&S need to realize the fact that HR is a mean that could provide the firm with competitive advantage that could be used to outclass the firm's competition and better realize the M&S's mission and other long-range goals (Zheng & Lamond, 2009). For this to happened, M&S top management will be required to hire top-talent in the HR department of the firm and give them the responsibility to represent the department at the top level of organization. Rather than just involved in the operational planning of the organization, the HR department of the firm should be given the central role by involving them in the strategic planning process (Storey, 1987). In this way the organization may come up with strategic plans that not only better meet the requirements of the organization but the firm will be having the right talent that the firm will be required for the accomplishment of its strategic objectives (Tonngton et al., 2008).
The recommended approach will provide the edge to M&S by properly balancing the human resources' aspiration of the people within the organization and the strategic and financial needs of the firm (Gratton, 1998). The strategic integration of the HR as suggested by Fottler et al., (1990) will enable the organization carry out the firm plan in an integrated manner and the firm will benefit from a coherent strategy where the different activities of the firm could be directed towards maintaining the quality of products and services as well as accomplishing the different efficiencies to performed effectively in the market. When HR within the organization will be having the central role within the firm, the executives and staff within the organization will be in position to chalk out different strategies and tactics where the commitment and aspiration towards the organization's goals will be ensured and the firm will be in position to chase its mission in a more creative and innovative manner with personal commitment from each and every member of the organization (Wright et al., 2001).