
2019-12-31 09:45

保护每个国家的边界对于保护公民不受恐怖袭击或不受欢迎的访客的伤害是非常重要的。根据Holland Michel的说法,“就像无人驾驶航空的早期,南部边境地区并没有完全适合无人驾驶飞行的前景”(Michel)。使用无人机进行边境安全,这是在全国范围内获取情报的一种更先进的方式。这一行动可能会有一些困难,当第一次发起这样的行动,它必须给予最高标准的关注,以看到它的成功,“最近的国土安全部关于CBP的无人机行动的报告得出结论,无人机计划不值得花费时间”(米歇尔)。使用无人机作为边境安全的一部分,将使人们有无限的视野,这意味着将有办法防止非法越境,这将给那些寻找更绿草地的人带来更多的风险和生命损失。近年来,已经有大量的增加试图砾石其他国家的人更好的生活,结果从一个贫穷的经济或贫穷的国家,他们最终死在海中,或在沙漠中虽然试图通过国家边界。无人机可以发挥作用,作为救援任务的来源,无人机可以发现那些试图通过海洋执行这项任务的人可以被拯救,避免死刑。这也适用于那些试图在陆地上执行这种任务的人。无人机还可以用于野生动物实验,人类可能会冒着生命危险在野生动物研究,由于这项技术在甘蔗英里远离他们的研究,仍然是成功的,在密切接触野生动物,如狮子、老虎、骗子等可能会非常危险,进行这样的实验的最好方法是尽可能的远离,不可以采取更好的数据,但周围飞行的无人机,可以很有帮助。它不仅能帮助拍照,还能帮助了解周围的情况以及它们的反应。这将防止生活松散,并给予更好的相机质量。
 Protecting the border in every country is very important to protect the citizen from either terrorist attacks or unwanted visitors. According to Holland Michel “Just as the early days of unmanned aviation, the southern borderlands have not been exactly hospitable to the prospect of unmanned flight” (Michel). Using drones for border security if a more advanced way of getting intel around the country. This operation could have some difficulty when first initiating such act, it must be given the highest standard of care to see it become successful, “a recent department of homeland security report on the CBP’s drone operations concluded that the drone program isn’t worth the time for cost” (Michel).Using drones as part of border security will give unlimited eyes in the sky, which means there would be ways to prevent illegal border crossing, this brings more risk and loss of lives to people whom are seeking greener pasture. In the recent years, there has been a tremendous amount of increase in people who are trying to gravel to other countries for better living, this results from a poor economy or poverty within the country, they either end up dying in the sea, or in the desert while attempting to pass a countries border. Drones can come into play, as a source of rescue mission, of drone can spot those who are attempting this mission through the sea can be saved and avoid death penalties. This also applies to those who are attempting such mission on land.Drones can also be used for wildlife experiments, humans are likely to risk their lives when it come wildlife research, thanks to this technology where they cane miles away from their research and still be successful, coming in close contact with wild animals such as Lions, tigers, cheaters etc. can be very dangerous, the best ways to conduct such experiment is to be far away as possible, with that no better data can be taken, but flying a drone around it, can be very helpful. It will not only help with picture taking but also, what goes on around the area and how they react too. This will prevent loose of life and give better camera quality.