
2018-07-01 00:48

《饿极了的毛毛虫》(The Very Hungry Caterpillar)讲述了一只毛毛虫在美味的自助餐中咀嚼食物的故事。“成对”和“梨”这两个词几乎肯定不是为三岁的孩子准备的,而是帮助他们阅读的人。此外,这本书不仅体现了语言的灵活性,也体现了数学和自然科学的元素。毛虫吃了越来越多的食物,它们使用基本的计算能力,然后变成了蛹,然后变成蝴蝶,这是自然规律。似乎没有图片,这可能是一个很难向一个非常年幼的孩子解释的概念。在没有视觉辅助的情况下所需要的词汇可能会非常费力和疏远(尤其是因为“chrysalis”这个词!)正如亨特(1991年,p.176)恰当地指出的那样,它允许我们“跨越语言和前言语之间的界限”。它允许孩子们在更年轻的时候在其他学科领域取得进步。然而,Protheroe (1992, p.74)认为,儿童需要学会应对“不确定性和接受歧义”,因为它允许他们进行推理。亨特(1991年,第181页)似乎觉得有一种快乐的媒介,然而,在这种媒介中,意义是有限的,但不是规定的。他认为这适用于图片和文字,因为每一种形式都可以以一种生硬的方式使用,或者打开阐释和创造力的闸门。
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, in which a caterpillar munches his way through a veritable smorgasbord of tasty treats, eats two pears. The play on the word “pair” and “pear” was almost certainly not intended for the three year old but rather the person helping them to read. In addition, this particular volume can be seen to incorporate not only verbal dexterity but mathematical and elements of natural science. The caterpillar eats an increasing number of foods, which employs basic numeracy, and subsequently transforms into a chrysalis, then into a butterfly as is the natural order. It seems that without pictures, this might be a hard concept to explain to a very young child. The vocabulary required with no visual aid might be quite taxing and alienating (not least due to the word chrysalis!) and thus the pictures make it a more accessible notion. As Hunt (1991, p.176) aptly notes, it allows us to “cross the boundary between the verbal and the pre-verbal”. It allows children to advance in other subject areas at a younger age.However, Protheroe (1992, p.74) would argue that children need to learn to cope with “uncertainty and accept ambiguity” as it allows them to practise inference. Hunt (1991, p.181) seems to feel that there is a happy medium, however, in which meaning is limited but not prescribed. He feels that this is applicable to both pictures and words as each form can be used in a way which is stilted or one that opens the floodgates of interpretation and creativity.