
2018-04-27 16:22

泰国创意与设计中心(TCDC)是泰国创意与设计中心(TCDC)的一项活动,旨在提高公众对创意经济的认识,推动创意产业成为国民经济发展的关键。与欧洲的创造力发展计划相似,2009年被宣布为“欧洲创造力和创新年”。欧洲议会和理事会的决定是基于这样的信念:“欧洲需要创新,靠系统激励创新”,创意创新应被视为一个司机和作为个人发展的一个关键因素,职业、创业和社会能力。(Michela &弗朗西斯卡,2003)。根据Ryhammer & Brolin(1999)的说法,关于创造力的理论和观点在历史上已经有了很大的发展,新思想和原创产品的发展是人类特有的特征。“灵感”或“灵感”的概念在希腊、犹太、基督教和穆斯林传统中被发现,并建立在更高的权力产生的信念之上。在欧洲浪漫主义时期,灵感的源泉和艺术表现被认为是人类。在这个时代,最初的洞察力、创造性的天才和主观的感觉都得到了高度的重视。从19世纪末开始,人们开始研究什么培养创造力。
Creative Thailand Building Thailand's Economy with Creative" is a campaign run by Thailand Creative and Design Center (TCDC), of knowledge management and development, with an aim to create public awareness toward the creative economy and promote the creative industries as a key for the national economic development. It seem too similar with the Europe development in creativity program, 2009 has been declared "European Year of Creativity and Innovation". The decision taken by the European Parliament and the Council is based on the conviction that "Europe needs innovation, and leaning systems which inspire innovation" and that creative should be seen as a driver for innovation and as a key factor for the development of personal, occupational, entrepreneurial and social competences. (Michela & Francesca, 2003). Theories and ideas about creativity started far back in history, according to Ryhammer & Brolin (1999), the development of new ideas and original product is particularly human characteristic. The notion of 'inspiration' or 'getting an idea' is found in the Greek, Judaic, Christian and Muslim traditions and is founded on the belief that a higher power produced it. During the Romantic era in Europe, the source of inspiration and its artistic expression was seen as being the human being. During this era, originally, insight, the creative genius and the subjectivity of feeling were highly valued. From the end of the nineteenth century, people began to investigate the question of what foster creativity.