
2018-11-04 16:43

解构主义建筑是20世纪80年代末90年代初发展起来的一种建筑类型。与其他类型的架构类型不同,它摆脱了传统的架构模式,以这种方式打破了构造理论的所有规则。这场运动的领导者是法国哲学家雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida),我们将在后面看到,他用他的思想和哲学影响了其他建筑师接受和应用这种不可预知的建筑类型。在这篇论文中,我们将讨论“解构建筑”的概念,同时分析它的元素和背景的基本思想。此外,解构主义将会是一种历史发展,它将揭示这场运动的起源。在这种类型的建筑背后,哲学也将被讨论,所有的将同时出现与建筑实例说明“解构主义建筑”的概念。除此之外,还会有一些关于这个主题的批评,表明围绕这种建筑形式的本质的争论是有争议和矛盾的。多年来,建筑师在这个主题上给出了自己的个人意见,他们会给出一些例子和评论。
Deconstructivist architecture is a type of architecture developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Unlike any other type of architectural type, it escapes the conventional architectural pattern, breaking in that way all the rules of constructive theory. The leader of this movement was the French Philosopher Jacques Derrida, who as we shall see later, with his ideas and philosophy has much influenced other architects into accepting and applying this unpredictable type of architecture.In this course of paper, we will make a discussion on the concept of ‘deconstructive architecture’ analysing at the same time its elements and background basic idea. Moreover, a historical development will be made on deconstructivism showing what are the origins of the movement. The philosophy will also be discussed behind this type of architecture and all will appear simultaneously with examples of buildings illustrating the concept of ‘deconstructivist architecture’. In addition to the above, some criticism will be made on the subject showing that the debate surrounding the nature of this form of architecture is both controversial and contradictory. Examples and commentary will be given by architects that have given their personal opinion on the subject throughout the years.