
2017-11-26 23:37

在个性方面,我做了不同的独立创业测试。人格是企业家成功的重要因素。大多数企业家被认为具有与他们成功相关的相关人格。大多数成功的企业家都有自己的内在动力来维持他们的创新和追求成功。他们中的大多数人坚信自己,并相信他们的个人能力带来改变。他们的创新能力和解决问题的能力对他们的成功至关重要。经商意味着一个人很容易竞争。大多数企业家都有个性,确保他们在竞争中不怕失败。此外,几乎所有的企业家都很有干劲,干劲十足。他们的能量使他们克服创业困难的任务和激励其他人的业务目标。尽管如此,大多数企业家还是乐于接受建议和批评。企业家不是消极地接受批评,而是从批评中吸取教训,并对他们的企业实施必要的变革。人格测验;T型人格测验、DaVinci人格测验、Bill Wagner人格类型测试。这些测试提出了旨在分析个性的问题。创业人格测试完成后,报告中包含了不同个性类别的得分(性格100, 2009)。测试的结果表明一个人是否适合做企业家。从所有的企业家性格测试中,我都为企业家赢得了足够的分数。
On personality, I took different independent entrepreneurial tests. Personality is very important to the success of entrepreneur. Most of the entrepreneurs are observed to have related personality that contributes to their success. Most successful entrepreneurs are observed to have personal inner drive that sustain their innovations and quest for success. Most of them strongly believe in themselves and have confidence in their personal capacity to bring change. Their innovativeness and problem solving is very vital to their success. Being in business means that a person will be prone to competition. Most entrepreneurs have personalities that ensure them to be competitive without fear of failure. In addition, almost all entrepreneurs are highly motivated and have high energy. Their energy enables them to overcome the difficult task of entrepreneurships and motivate other individuals to the goal of the business. Despite of these, most entrepreneurs are open for advice and criticism. Instead of taking criticism negatively, entrepreneurs learn from the criticism and implement the necessary changes to their businesses. Personality tests were; Type T personality test, DaVinci type personality test and Bill Wagner's Personality test. The tests presented questions that aimed at analyzing the personality. Completion of the entrepreneurial personality test gave a report that included a score on different personality categories (Personality 100, 2009). The result from the test suggested whether a person was fit for being an entrepreneur. From all the entrepreneurial personality tests I scored a score sufficient for entrepreneur.