
2017-10-14 22:46

Some adaptations that could be made is possibly taking a field trip to a government building such as the state capital to learn and see how the government functions on a daily basis. They can take notes and they can have a classmate help them take notes and help to translate anything a special needs students may not understand. Also, it could be arranged for the students to act out certain types of the government to help them understand how it works and hat they would like to use to develop their country. They could act out the signing of the declaration of independence and develop ideas on how to create their own. If the students is not comfortable n acting out in front of the class, then the students and team members can do it in front of the teacher only. If they are not comfortable speaking then they can use a text to speech program to speak for them and also if they have trouble with communication. A research-based strategy I really feel that works with this lesson plan is a graphic organizer. “Graphic organizers help students to visually display, interpret, and understand complex topics” (Ketcham, 2010). I feel a graphic organizer can help students with LD and CD and even non disabled students to be able to organize their thoughts and the information they find for their design of their own country.This lesson plan has some accommodations already for it such as talking software and spelling and writing software to help students who have reading issues and difficulty writing and spelling. A speech to text software such as Dragon can be used to help students write their paper for their final project. Assigning someone from another class to help a student who may be struggling to understand the work or the assignments and reading material. Allowing the students to be assessed verbally daily can help them to be able to say what they have learned rather than type it or write it. Questions can be asked and they can answer verbally.