
2017-03-19 00:30

然而,人们不能否认他对第二十世纪历史的影响。本文的目的是评估一个特定品牌的影响,即新马克思主义。新马克思主义是二十分之一世纪的思想学派,它通过重新解读马克思的作品来集中注意力。他们不赞成早期作品是由马克思的朋友和有信心的Frederick Engel,而不是通常的严重影响,虽然不完全致力于关注恩格尔的工作岗位。因此他们注重辩证唯心主义代替辩证唯物主义,反对马克思的经济决定论的早期工作(Anderson,1976;第25页)。这实质上是在新马克思主义方法中找到了与传统马克思主义相分离的地方。这并不是说新马克思主义者企图以任何方式诋毁他们的名声。他们试图做的是提供一个新的解释马克思的工作,重点不是他的熟练作为一个经济学家,而是哲学方面的工作。 这是这项工作的主要关注。下面是一个考试的水平提供了从传统经济确定性马克思采用脱轨,新马克思主义普遍早在第二十世纪,也是级别的成功开发和拓展新马克思主义思想家马克思的思想。最初的问题是,由于这项工作规模小,这将是必要的集中在少数新马克思主义者有两个原因。首先,为了明确的目的,其次是由于大量的新马克思主义作家可以检查。因此,它是一个突出的新马克思主义的工作,Louis Althusser,将形成以下下面的基石。


Nonetheless, one cannot deny his impact upon the history of the twentieth century. The purpose of this essay is to assess one particular brand of that impact; namely neo Marxism. Neo Marxism was a twentieth century school of thought that chose to focus its attention by re interpreting Marx’s work. They disagreed with the early works that were heavily influenced by Marx’s friend and confident Frederick Engel’s, instead often, though not exclusively dedicating their attention to the post Engel’s work. They therefore focused on dialectical idealism instead of dialectical materialism and in doing so rejected the economic determinism of Marx’s early work (Anderson, 1976; p.42). This is essentially where the break from the traditional Marxist doctrine is to be found in the neo Marxist approach. This is not to say that the neo Marxists attempted to discredit their name sake in any way. What they attempted to do was offer a new interpretation of Marx’s work that focused not on his proficiency as an economist, but rather the philosophical side of his work.
Such is the primary concern of this work. Offered below is an examination of level of digression the neo Marxists adopted from the traditional economic deterministic Marxism so commonly seen in the early twentieth century, and also the level to which neo Marxist thinkers successfully developed and expanded on Marx’s ideas. An initial problem is that due to this works small size it will be necessary to focus on a small number of neo Marxists for two reasons. Firstly, for the purposes of clarity and secondly due to the large number of neo Marxist writers to which one could turn for examination. As such, it is the work of one prominent neo Marxist, Louis Althusser that will form the bedrock of what follows below.