纽约论文代写 学习新项目

2016-12-21 13:07

动态学习是基于公司的能力来学习从过去以提高未来知识和探索新知识(林et al . 2013年)。一个例子,这表明缺乏强调学习准备未来的情况下,是员工学习新项目,每个项目都是不同的,可能需要一个新程序的应用。因此,宝贵的学习和应用项目花费时间和金钱而不是理想状态下被Eisenhardt et al(2000)和Jantunen et al(2012)那里是知识创造的例程。这个公司不能鼓励员工探索新知识为未来项目因此导致低效的项目完成,这一结果支持蒂斯的描述,“作为公司的特定组合独特的流程和资产的进化发展”(Jantunen等2012)。

在全球金融危机期间(GFC)公司有幸参与政府的教育革命的经济刺激计划,这提振了大约一年半。在其他公司,这一次没有幸运的开始适应新环境通过削减成本和高效率的方向发展,这是一个理想的反应市场的变化“动态能力专注于公司内的资源重新配置”(Eisenhardt等2000)。因此被林和吴(2013)和Jantunen et al(2012)公司的弱动态重新配置,缺乏准备、监视或市场,调整变化的市场职位GFC接下来发生的财政困难年达到高潮。理想情况下应该有一个“战略的灵活性,允许灵活的使用和重新配置资源”(2013年林等)等快速适应变化后刺激计划工作经验的公司。

纽约论文代写 学习新项目

Dynamic learning is based on the ability of the company to learn from the past to improve the future knowledge and also the exploration of new knowledge (Lin et al. 2013). An example, which demonstrates lack of emphasis on learning in preparation for future situations, is how employees learn on a project-by-project basis that is every project is different and may require the application of a new program. Therefore, valuable project time and money is spent learning and applying as opposed to the ideal situation described by Eisenhardt (et al 2000) and Jantunen (et al 2012) where there is a routine of knowledge creation. This inability of the company to encourage its employees to explore new knowledge for future projects has therefore led to inefficiencies in project completion, this result is supported by Teece’s description of DC, “as firm specific combinations of distinctive processes and assets shaped by evolutionary development” (Jantunen et al 2012).

During the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) the company was fortunate enough to be involved in the Government’s s Education Revolution stimulus package, which buoyed it for approximately a year and a half. Throughout this time other companies that were not as fortunate began to adjust to the new environment by cost cutting and becoming more efficient, which is an ideal reaction to a change in the market as “dynamic capabilities focus on reconfiguration of resources within firms” (Eisenhardt et al 2000). Thus as described by Lin and Wu (2013) and Jantunen (et al 2012) the company’s weak dynamic reconfiguration, lack of preparation, monitoring or markets, and adjustments to a changing market post GFC culminated in the financial difficulties in the forth-coming years. Ideally there should be a “strategic flexibility in place to allow for the flexible use and reconfiguration of resources” (Lin et al 2013) to quickly adjust to changes such as those experienced by the company post stimulus package work.