
2017-04-15 00:30

学者和实践者都认为风险是主观或客观现象。我相信霍尔顿的例子是相当引人注目的:他比较两人即将前往机场在恶劣天气的航班预订,他们个人认为可能或可能不会被取消。其中一人打电话给机场确认,发现航班仍在。另一个不。这第一个那么愿意以去机场的风险(可能不得不面对的事实,航班取消了)比第二人小得多,即一个没有打电话确认(霍尔顿,ND)。 安德鲁斯(1987,P页)区分两组风险:纯风险和创业(或投机)风险。纯粹的风险是外生性的,在某种意义上说,它们与公司的业务过程无关,或者说它们不受商业课程的影响。安德鲁斯提到的火灾、地震(两者都将有资格成为上帝的行为)、战争、罢工、政治行动(如国有化、征收,同时增加税收;第一个属于集团有时被称为“政治风险”,这是特别相关的跨国企业),及关键人员死亡。(注:最后一个关键员工,死亡降临当然在“内部空间”的公司,虽然发生在公司内部,可能的事件仍然是一个外生性风险)。纯风险的一个共同点是,保险可以被用来保护自己免受他们(再次,关键员工的死亡是不太明显比其余的在这里,但企业人寿保险可以保护的事件,即使它不能补救的情况下,从长远来看)。
Scholars and practitioners alike have argued whether risk is a subjective or objective phenomenon. I believe Holton’s example is quite compelling: he compares two people about to be going to the airport in bad weather booked on a flight that they personally believe might or might not get cancelled. One of them calls the airport to confirm, and finds out that the flight is still on. The other one does not. The risk that the first one then willingly takes by actually going to the airport (and potentially having to deal with the fact that the flight got cancelled) is much smaller than that of the second person, i.e. the one that has not called to confirm (Holton, n.d.).Andrews (1987, p. 14) distinguishes between two groups of risk: Pure risks and entrepreneurial (or speculative) risks. Pure risks are of exogenous nature in the sense that they have nothing to do with the business course of a company, or rather they are not influenced by the business course. Andrews mentions fire, earthquakes (both of which would qualify as Acts of God), wars, strikes, political action (e.g. nationalisation, expropriation, also tax increases; the first two belong to the group sometimes referred to as “political risks”, which is of particular relevance to multinational companies), and death of key staff. (N.B. The last one, death of key staff, falls of course within the “internal sphere” of a company, but although the incident may occur inside the company, it is still an exogenous risk). A common denominator of pure risks is that insurance can be taken out to protect oneself against them (again, the death of key staff is less obvious than the rest here, but corporate life insurance may protect against the event, even if it will not remedy the situation in the long run).