
2019-04-05 02:32

Study aimed at investigating kindergarten teachers’ views of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Data were collected by an open-ended questionnaire, interviews, and observations. Forty-four kindergarten teachers in the United Arab Emirates responded to the questionnaire; six teachers were later interviewed. Results revealed that some teachers believe that the official curriculum is not developmentally appropriate, as it focuses more on academics rather than on child development in social, physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects. Results also revealed that the vision of developmentally appropriate practices among these kindergarten teachers has not been well-acknowledged and that their instructional and assessment practices emphasize teaching academic skills, using a direct instructional approach. This study shows revealed that there is a degree of ambiguity among these teachers about their satisfaction with what is introduced to children in kindergarten. This ambiguity appears in the teachers’ responses; the majority was positive when asked about their level of satisfaction regarding what is introduced in the kindergarten classroom. At the same time, however, the majority of the teachers conceded that there are many negative sides of the curriculum this might be the reason behind this ambiguity. Another reason might be that in the UAE, early childhood education is still in the transition stage, as it is moving from the old system to the new one.Bridge.H.,(2001) his study obsereved that children often parents involvement planned rich play activities that were connected to their home culture. Three action strategies were implemented to increase and evaluate parental involvement: (1) ask parents and children to plan together at home; (2) observe children’s play during ‘Plan-do-Review’ time; (3) ask parents about their involvement through planning. As a result of parents and children planning together at home, clearer plans of activity were produced. Plans were continued and developed at both home and preschool. Planning at home resulted in a regular pattern of interaction between children, staff and parents. Staff reported that planning at home produced ‘living play’ that was based upon children’s own lives.