
2018-12-01 23:49

As with every objection there is always a response so now let’s look at some responses to Gaunilo’s weighty criticism. One of these responses focuses on the idea of ‘the greatest possible island’ (or best island). It states that the ‘greatest possible island’ can actually not exist. My conception of the greatest possible island almost certainly differs from your conception of the greatest possible island. For example I may prefer there to be a lot of animals on the island, dangerous and non dangerous and a lot of trees. Whereas you may prefer to only have non dangerous animals and mostly open areas on the island. This shows us that although subjectively there is the possibility of the ‘greatest possible island’ on a large objective scale there can be no such thing. In other words there is nothing within the definition of an island that allows for maximum greatness within a certain island. The oxford English dictionary defines an island as ‘a piece of land surrounded by water’. Clearly there is nothing there which could allow for one island to be greater than all others. It mentions nothing of the depth of water surrounding the island, whether or not there are inhabitants of the island, the size of the island etc. This is not the same for God though. Anselm describes God as maximum perfection of which nothing can be greater. The idea of God cannot be pulled away from the description of God. God is that which nothing can be greater than. This differs from the ‘greatest possible island’ as the idea of perfection is a separate concept which has be added to the idea of an island. So it seems that although Gaunilo’s objection on first inspection is a good one it misses the point that maximum perfection cannot be separated from the concept of God whereas maximum perfection can be separated from the concept of an island.