
2018-12-24 19:13

从纯粹的统计角度来看,自2007年以来,英国经济经历了过山车式的增长。在2007年全球金融危机爆发后的第二年,GDP增长恢复到负增长,经济萎缩-1%。紧随其后的是2009年更糟糕的表现,经济萎缩了4%。自2010年和2011年以来,经济增长一直处于低水平,GDP增长分别为1.8%和0.8%(世界银行,2013年)。然而,尽管统计数据显示2010年和2011年经济略有复苏,但其他商业媒体(BBC News, 2012)指出,英国经济可能会继续持平,甚至更糟,导致“双底”衰退。对于Next等高度依赖英国经济作为收入来源的零售商而言,这些头条数据似乎描绘了一幅相当负面的图景。然而,对更详细经济数据的分析可能会突显出不同的观点。Tutt(2012)展示了英国的失业水平和家庭可支配收入的数据。在这种情况下,出现了一种令人担忧的模式。一方面,失业率近年来一直在上升,从2007年的86万上升到2011年的153万。然而,相反,个人家庭的可支配收入的水平一直上升期间从£14308 2007年每户£16042 2011年每户(资料,2012)。对于Next和其他高端终端零售商来说,这可能会对战略产生关键影响。虽然由于失业率的上升,Next的产品和服务可能没有多少顾客能买到,但那些仍然有工作的人通常已经变得更富有了。因此,这种经济模式很可能有助于Next提高其每位客户的平均支出,即使客户总数下降。
From a purely statistical perspective, the years since 2007 have been an economic rollercoaster for the UK. Following the onset of the global financial crisis in 2007, the subsequent year saw GDP growth revert to negative figures with -1% contraction in the economy. This was followed by even worse performance in 2009 with a -4% contraction. Low levels of growth have been seen since in 2010 and 2011 with GDP growth of 1.8% and 0.8% respectively (World Bank, 2013). However, while the statistics show a slight recovery in 2010 and 2011, others within the business press (BBC News, 2012) indicate that the UK economy could continue to flat line or worse result in a “double dip” recession. These headline figures may seem to paint quite a negative picture for retailers such as Next which are highly reliant on the UK economy as a source of revenue. However, an analysis of more detailed economic data may highlight a different perspective.Tutt (2012) presents data which looks at the level of unemployment and household disposable incomes in the UK. In this case an alarming pattern is seen. On the one hand, levels of unemployment have been increasing in recent years with a rise from 0.86m in 2007 to 1.53m in 2011. However, conversely, the levels of disposable income of individual households during the period has consistently risen from £14,308 per household in 2007 to £16,042 per household in 2011 (Tutt, 2012). For Next and other premium end retailers this may have a key impact upon strategy. While there may be few customers able to by the products and services of Next due to rising unemployment, those who have remained in employment have generally become wealthier. As a result it is likely that such economic patterns may help Next to improve its average spend per customer, even if the total number of customers falls.