management assignment代写 亚马逊

2020-04-26 17:01

杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)一直希望自己能做出更大的贡献,把各行各业的人聚集到一个集中的购物地点,让各个年龄段的企业都能在如今的竞争环境中成长壮大。这句话有助于说明亚马逊在当今充满挑战的世界中的使命宣言:“我们的愿景是成为地球上最以客户为中心的公司;建立一个人们可以找到并发现任何他们想在网上购买的东西的地方”(Farfan)。你可以看到,在今天的世界,亚马逊甚至还没有达到他们的顶峰,并继续增长。亚马逊以140亿美元的惊人价格收购全食超市,这是他们迄今为止最昂贵的收购。这似乎帮助亚马逊迅速进入了杂货市场。亚马逊永远渴望征服市场的每一个方面,它很快就会实现允许用户购物和出门的技术,而不需要在收银台登记。虽然这条新闻看起来很好很方便,但它也会引起劳工问题。过去依赖这些工作的人现在只能自谋生路了。但是,随着创新而来的是新的工作岗位,比如软件开发和此类技术的制造。对于亚马逊而言,监管机构将与联邦政府共同负责。自从他们的增长达到了新的高度,这个科技巨头给自己带来了新的政治观众。由于大公司试图通过游说进入政府事务,以推进他们的议程,他们付钱给政客来帮助推进他们的使命和意识形态,而不会受到山姆大叔的阻挠。2016年大选之后,特朗普总统一直在关注大型企业,令我们惊讶的是,他抨击了亚马逊(Amazon)削减它们所欠税款的努力。由于联邦政府对消费者市场的“敌对”态度,亚马逊一直处于水深火热之中。另一方面,许多国会议员也认为,在不需要大学文凭的环境下,可以创造多达5万个新就业机会。今年早些时候,民主党参议员科里·布克(Cory Booker)对亚马逊最近以140亿美元收购全食超市(Whole Foods)的交易感到震惊。这家科技巨头还进行了近610万美元的游说,以加强其在美国亚利桑那州、加利福尼亚州、特拉华州和佛罗里达州等州的扩张。山姆大叔已经注意到了亚马逊最近通过收购大公司和垄断市场而让小公司自生自灭的举动。包括参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)在内的一些议员质疑,自从他们把手伸进利益集团的游说口袋之后,这家科技巨头是否已经发展到了令人不安的地步。当地自力更生研究所(Institute for Local自力更生)的联席主任斯泰西·米切尔(Stacy Mitchell)补充说,令她震惊的是,亚马逊造成了这样一种局面:全国各地的政府官员都在向选民们发出信号,表明亚马逊是一家伟大的公司,它应该因在全国范围内的增长而得到特殊对待。
management assignment代写 亚马逊
Jeff Bezos has always envisioned himself to do greater things by bringing people from all walks of life together to shop at a centralized location to where businesses of all ages can grow and flourish in today’s competitive environment. This quote helps illustrate Amazon’s mission statement in today’s challenging world, “Our vision is to be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online” (Farfan). As you can see in today’s world, Amazon hasn’t yet even reached their peak and continues to grow. With Amazon acquiring Whole Foods at an astonishing $14 billion dollars, which made it their most expensive acquisition yet. This seemed to help catapult Amazon into the grocery sector of the market. In their everlasting hunger to conquer every aspect of the market, Amazon will soon implement technologies that will allow users to shop and go, without ever needing to be rung up at the register. Although this news seems well and convenient, it can cause labor issues. People who used to rely on those kinds of jobs are being left to fend for themselves. But, with innovation comes new jobs, like software developing and manufacturing of such technology.For Amazon the regulators would reside with the federal government. Since their growth has reached to new heights, the tech giant has brought upon itself new political spectators to the arena. Since big companies try to lobby their way into governmental affairs, in order to advance their agendas, they pay politicians to help push their mission and ideologies without any hiccup from Uncle Sam himself. After the 2016 elections, President Trump has been eyeing large corporations and, to our surprise, bashed Amazon’s efforts to cut down on the taxes they owe. Amazon has been in some hot water for their “antagonistic” approach to the consumer market by the federal government. Though on the flip side, many people in congress believe also that as many as 50,000 new jobs are being created in an environment of which does not require a college degree. Earlier in the year, Democratic Sen. Cory Booker was alarmed about Amazon’s most recent acquisition of Whole Foods for $14 Billions. The tech giant also lobbied close to $6.1 million dollars in lobbying efforts to enhance their expansion across the country in states like Arizona, California, Delaware, and Florida, Etc. Uncle Sam has been aware of the recent moves Amazon has done through buying out larger companies and essentially cornering the market leaving smaller businesses to fend for themselves. Lawmakers like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who questioned whether the tech giant has grown to a level of uncomfortable proportions, since they have stuck their hands inside the pockets of lobbying interests’ groups. Stacy Mitchell, the co-director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance added it shocks her that Amazon has created a situation in which government officials across the country are signaling to their constituents that Amazon is a magnificent company, and it should receive special treatment for their growth across the nation.