北美IT assignment代写:云存储解决方案

2020-01-25 18:36

当我们观察NHS当前的云存储解决方案时,它只涉及网络存储层及其相关备份。另一个与可扩展存储有关的问题是NHS目前面临的一个问题,由于快速增长的人口和经济、政府因素,被存储的信息的规模呈指数级增长。当前的存储解决方案不会永远保存,因为大小每天都在变化,因此会导致诸如崩溃、数据丢失、错误条目、易受黑客攻击、长时间等待、性能低下等问题。NHS也他们当前的云解决方案只在一个共享数据库的公共云,这是对每个人开放从而允许任何客户端引起系统的失败,这是由于其无能处理几百个用户同时为每个租户的功能模式。认为有必要扩大存储,这将不是一件容易的任务首先应该有初步整合目前存在的所有信息,然后应该有重组涉及添加新的体积和复制的新卷,这样他们可以作为热备份如果他们下去。新设计的私有云解决方案提供了与Amazon的EC2架构相同的存储结构,即弹性块存储(EBS) (Jeff Barr, 2008)。这个EBS提供了块存储卷,可以在需要时连续复制。这种存储还提供任何类型的工作负载所需的一致的低延迟性能。当这种存储与网络模块(存在于基础设施之外)相结合时,可以提供诸如多租户、低延迟、低消息下降、并发等特性。这个模型的好处是它整合了当前的公共云架构,但是基础架构只分配一些存储,比如缓存和数据库,供在NHS之外访问它的客户(比如医院和执业医生)使用。由于安全性也是主要考虑的问题之一,所以在将敏感信息放置在公共云中供多人访问时,必须将安全性考虑在内。因此,放置在公共云中的数据和信息是临时使用的,并具有查看、附加、预约和检查预约、医疗保险检查、患者历史记录、访问应用程序等功能。有场景等地医院需要访问应用程序,如x射线分析,超声波扫描评估,血液检测等,在我们的模型的灵活性允许第三方供应商提供低成本,并允许访问这些应用程序提供的数据是存储在存储的公共云,如果需要卸载数据到NHS的私人服务器和数据库无缝和轻松。
北美IT assignment代写:云存储解决方案
 When we observe the current cloud storage solution of the NHS, it involves just layers of networked storage with their associated backups. The other issue with regards to scalable storage is one currently being faced by the NHS, due to rapidly growing population and economic, governmental factors, the size of the information being stored is exponential. The current storage solution will not hold forever as the size continues daily, thus leading to problems such as crashes, loss of data, erroneous entries, susceptible to hacking, long wait times, low performance etc. Also, the NHS have their current cloud solution only on the public cloud with a shared database, this being open to everyone thus allows any client to cause the failure of the system, this is due to its incapability to handle several hundreds of users simultaneously and the function of having a schema for each tenant. Suppose there is a need to scale up the storage, it would not be an easy task as first and foremost there should be initial consolidation of all the information currently present and then there should be reprogramming involved to add the new volume and have replicates made of the new volume so that they can be used as hot standby if and when they go down. The newly devised solution for the private cloud offers the same storage structure as used by Amazon’s EC2 architecture, which is Elastic Block Storage (EBS) (Jeff Barr, 2008). This EBS offers block storage volumes which is continuously replicated when required. This storage also offers consistent, low-latency performance needed for any types of workloads. When this storage combined with the network module (present outside the infrastructure) can provide features such as multi-tenancy, low-latency, low drops in messages, concurrency etc. The benefit of this model is that it incorporates the current public cloud architecture, but the infrastructure allocates only some storage such as cache and database for the use of clients that access it outside the NHS such as hospitals and practice doctors. As security is also one of the primary concerns, we must keep that in consideration when having sensitive information placed in the public cloud where multiple people have access. Thus, the data and information being placed in the public cloud is for temporary use and serves functions such as viewing, appending, booking and checking appointments, health insurance checks, patient history, accessing applications etc. There are scenarios where places such as hospitals need to access applications such as X-ray analysis, sonogram evaluation, blood tests etc., the flexibility in our model allows third-party vendors to provide access  to these applications for low costs and allow the data to be stored in the storage provided by them for the public cloud and if necessary offload that data onto the private servers and databases of the NHS seamlessly and effortlessly.
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