印第安纳代写Assignment 英国石油

2016-12-24 19:09

英国石油公司并不拥有内部科学知识或信息,相反,这取决于技术专家外,减少风险的心态到一个特定的概念(Kolk和征税,2001)。然而,它将增加的困难成功的提议,因为缺乏内部专业团队。很明显英国石油公司敦促寻求质量,创新,一方面,和持续学习,此外,在当地社区高度重视公司运作(西达,开松机,塔瓦雷斯,1992)。但另一方面,面对迅速变化的环境,英国石油公司尤其呼吁将业务范围从多元化集中和帧一个有效的商业策略,包括减少管理费用,开发和采用降低成本的技术(格兰特和Cibin,1996)。降低资本成本和获得竞争优势,整合行业内成为一种趋势。然而,组织的利益相关者群体往往影响和受到他们的影响,对特定的利益相关者的影响,突出的利益相关者的角度,这些相互作用引起的可行的战略选择(Haberberg Rieple,2001)。它看起来就像英国石油公司没有抓住这一点。因此,英国石油公司开始从内部主要是为了适应需求,与员工参与,但努力保护环境不能很容易找到的策略。

印第安纳代写Assignment 英国石油

BP is not in possession of internal scientific knowledge or information, instead, it depends on technical experts outside, reducing a risk of the mind-set to a particular concept (Kolk and Levy, 2001). However, it will increase the difficulty of successful proposal, for lack of internal professional team. It is obvious BP was urged to seek quality, innovation, on one hand, and sustaining learning, moreover, to be a highly regarded company in the local community it operates (Siddall, Willey and Tavares, 1992). But on the other, confronting the quickly changing environment, BP was especially appealed to shift the business scope from diversification to focus and frame an efficient business strategy, including reduction in overhead costs, development and adoption of cost-reducing technology (Grant and Cibin, 1996). To decrease capital cost and gain competitive superiority, consolidation within the sector became a kind of tendency. Nevertheless, the organizational stakeholder groups often affect and are affected by them, which impact on specific stakeholders, the perspectives of prominent stakeholders, and the feasibly strategic options caused by these interactions (Haberberg and Rieple, 2001). It looked like BP did not catch this point. Therefore, BP proceeded from the inside primarily to adjust to the demand, with employees involved, but the effort to protect environment could not be found from strategies easily.