
2017-03-08 10:56

根据第1861条第47、第18及第20条的罪行,突击亦可受法定法律约束。47部分揭示了袭击致造成实际身体伤害根据对人的行为1861 [修改]犯罪的类型:“轻伤如割伤或擦伤”[ 88 ]。然而,即使担心受伤的可能性是足够的第47条被调用[ 89 ]。更严重的性质的伤害由第18条和第20条所涵盖,前者是更严重的两人,携带一个潜在的无期徒刑,由于“意图伤害”和相当严重的伤害或死亡发生此意图[ 90 ]。20部分包括伤人或重伤,包括“恶意”,但可以作为行动的结果而不是原因。 20节涉及不法的侵害,这将打破皮肤可见的结果,或“违法造成严重的身体伤害”。在这两种情况下,无论是恶意的意图或鲁莽的后果的关注,必须在事件发生时的证据,虽然一些行动的结果的认识需要显示。突击一些形式包括法规却仍为通过同意的风气,例如身体穿孔可受性犯罪法2003、2003女性生殖器的行为,和纹身未成年人法1969,任何伤口在对1861人行为的犯罪20节尊重起诉潜在的责任。


In accordance with Sections 47, 18 and 20 of the Offence Against the Person Act 1861, assault can also be subject to statutory law. Section 47 reveals the types of assault occasioning actual bodily harm according to Offences Against the Person Act 1861 [amended]: ‘minor injuries such as cuts or bruises’[88]. However, even apprehension at the possibility of being injured is sufficient for Section 47 to be invoked[89]. Injuries of a more serious nature are covered by Section 18 and Section 20, with the former being the more serious of the two, carrying with it a potential sentence of life imprisonment, as the result of ‘wounding with intent’ and quite serious injuries or death occurring from this intent[90]. Section 20 includes wounding or GBH and can include ‘malicious intent’, but can be as the consequence of the action rather than the cause.
Section 20 relates to unlawful wounding, which incorporates the visible results of breaking the skin, or “the unlawful infliction of grievous bodily harm”. In either case, either malicious intent or a reckless regard for the consequences must be in evidence at the time of the incident, although some awareness of the results of that action need be displayed. Some forms of assault are covered by statute yet may still be defended through the ethos of consent, e.g. body piercing which can be subject to both the Sexual Offences Act 2003, the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, and the Tattooing of Minors Act 1969, any wound potentially liable for prosecution in respect of Section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.
