
2017-04-08 00:40

Therefore, foreign food constituted the first major change in British popular culture after the Second World War, an often overlooked fact in judging how the British altered their national consciousness and how they viewed the rest of the world. Aside from diet, the second most fundamental building block of cultural change post‑1945 was the division of labour and the consolidation of the prevailing capitalist economic climate. Whereas many of the women who filled the gaps in the workforce between 1914 and 1918 returned to their pre‑determined domestic roles in 1919, the women of 1946 largely had the opportunity to stay on in employment. Although it would require a mini sexual revolution in the 1960’s to open up the labour market fully, the seeds of sociological gender change were sewed in the immediate post‑war years.Much the same can be said of capitalism. Though the communist and fascist ideologies never really took hold in Britain before 1939, the economic reconstruction of the nation after 1945 effectively ensured the survival of consumerist society. Economic success was unspectacular but necessarily edifying. “Between 1951 and 1973 the British economy, in terms of Gross Domestic Product, grew at a rate of 2.8% per annum, a third higher than in the inter‑war period and double that of the pre‑1914 rate.”