Education Assignment 代写:结论假设

2019-03-02 14:35

本研究的认识论假设,透过自然科学的镜头,假设和检验经验方法,帮助我们了解学生对高等教育的选择。另一方面,本体论假设考虑到2008年全球金融危机的影响和全球环境下的人类行为,关系到自然界(Pring 2005, p. 232)。Wilkins, Shams和Husiman采用定量方法进行研究,使用SPSS软件概括研究结果并测试命题。由于数据是数字形式的,所以统计测试用于对数据进行声明。定量研究有助于产生描述性的数据,但在解释这些数据时就会出现困难。例如,研究包括参与者的人口统计学和社会经济地位是有帮助的,但是如果研究在定量研究的基础上结合定性方法,将会更有深度。学生们对问卷进行了一个小时的讨论,但是没有学生的声音,只有来自SPSS的统计数据。通过小组讨论,我们可以对数据标题进行定性的分析。如果不能正确解释这些数字背后的数据,就很难说为什么学生选择高等教育是基于经济考虑。
Education Assignment 代写:结论假设
The epistemological assumptions of this study help us to understand student choice of HEIs by hypothesizing and testing empirical approaches through a natural science lens. On the other hand, the ontological assumption concerns the natural world, taking in account the effects of the global financial crisis in 2008, and the human behavior within the global HE context (Pring 2005, p. 232). Wilkins, Shams, and Husiman embrace quantitative methods approach to the study, using SPSS software to generalize the findings and test the propositions. Since the data is in a numeric form, statistical tests are applied in making statements about the data. Quantitative studies help to produce data that is descriptive but difficulties arise when it comes to their interpretation. For instance, it is helpful that the study includes the demographics and socioeconomic statuses of the participants, but the study would have more depth if it integrated a qualitative approach in addition to the quantitative research. The students had a one hour discussion on the questionnaire yet there is no student voice, only statistics from SPSS. With group discussion responses we can have a qualitative measure of analysis of the data caption. Without properly interpreting the data behind these numbers, it is difficult to say why students choose HEIs based on financial considerations.