
2019-12-06 00:45

The global crypto market is now worth 252 billion (CAD) in total, an amount which could be seen as it full strength within the economy. With this in mind, the current state of Cryptocurrency has led many to reclassify cryptos from a niche past-time to an increasingly integral part of the global financial system. However, some crypto critics, including Warren Buffet and Bill Gates Has continued to speak about uncertainty over the furthering devolvement technology due to the fear of the market crashing along with the new report of stealing and fraudulent reports. Moreover, the current state of cryptocurrencies is difficult to define and as there is a range of issues the sector is facing. As far as policy goes, to ensure the legitimacy of users is important in the use of Cryptocurrency. This is because if providers want to gain faith in their user base, they need to make sure they are investing a lot of their money into protecting against these hacks. It is also useful that correct security measures are used preventing future hacks s. With the cryptocurrency sphere continuing to develop at a fast pace, as far as who is involved in this matter goes, regulatory bodies are now increasing their involvement. For instance, within the last few months, the topic of rules and regulation bring fear among the crypto community. Many new rules may prevent innovation which has been the reason for bitcoin rapid growth so far. A situation that this matter is attempting to solve is fraudulent behaviour as in between January 2017 and May 2018, it is estimated that over 1.2 billion dollars cryptocurrency was stolen from exchanges  We are even beginning to see institutional getting involvement with cryptocurrency. The trading volume from the institutional client for the first time exceeded that of retail trade. In early 2019 the value of cryptocurrencies remains low due to the few amounts of businesses willing to accept this form of currency. In order to change this cryptocurrency must be simpler to obtain.