
2020-01-08 15:03

分布式领导理论的第三个也是最后一个要素(Bennett et al, 2003)坚持认为“分布式领导应该是一群相互作用的个人的财产,而不是孤立的个人的财产”。这表明,领导实践的获取必须保持开放和对所有人开放。这反映了分布式领导的“身份”元素。说,同样重要的是要注意,理论上来说,分布式领导力不是关于增加领导角色的数量在一个组织内部,而是它的关注个人的方式正式的领导角色,如果没有,池他们的技能和对彼此的影响”(博尔登,2011)。国王基金(Kings Fund)在其协作领导力项目中也认同这一点。国王基金相信,这两家基金将互相学习,互相支持,以应对医疗体系内的“实时挑战”。该项目还提供了“在患者领导者和医疗专业人员之间建立可持续关系的机会”。“如果成功了,当地的医疗系统将受益于一个新的协作团队的发展,这个团队拥有共同的经验和观点,需要在哪些方面有所不同,并支持创建与患者和社区共同设计的新医疗模式。”通过对分布式领导概念的研究,我已经能够确定某些角色是如何通过国王基金文献中概述的领导努力被有意分散的,而领导力实践的概念提供了一个更补充的观点。有领导的实践更侧重于集体领导工作中的实践。然而,Raelin(2017)不仅关注了集体领导的优势,他也认识到了挑战者的反对和恐惧。集体领导被认为是遥不可及的,因为它挑战了把领导视为一种有吸引力和个人主义性质的传统观念,这种观念不仅保护我们,而且在运用时也很有效。Raelin(2017)认为,为了走向一个集体领导可行的社会,“我们需要在多个维度上挑战我们的领导行为。它不能再仅仅以垂直传输指令的方式出现;它需要在一系列相互联系的个体之间横向发生。因此,它必须从以权威为基础转向以实践为基础,或从程序坚持转向可争议的时刻。它将发生在特定的背景下,而不是作为一种普遍的风格,而这一挑衅的恰当之处在于,它将由一群互补的共同领导人来锚定”。因此,Raelin(2017)强调的更多的是组织内的领导力实践,而不是组织结构;正如(Bennett et al, 2003)所概述的分布式领导理论。
 The third and last element in the distributed leadership theory (Bennett et al, 2003) insists that ‘distributed leadership should be a property of a group of interacting individuals rather than of the individual in isolation’. This suggests that that access to leadership practice must remain open and available to all. This reflects on the ‘identity’ element of distributed leadership. With this said, it is also important to note that theoretically speaking, distributed leadership is not about increasing the number of leadership roles within an organisation, but instead it ‘focuses on the ways in which individuals with formal leadership roles, and without, pool their skills and influence over one another’ (Bolden, 2011). The Kings Fund identifies with this in its collaborative leadership programme however, it doesn’t focus on bringing a huge group of people together, but instead pairs. The Kings Fund believes that together, each pair will learn from each other and support one another with the purpose of progressing on ‘real time challenges’ within the healthcare system. The programme also offers the ‘opportunity to build sustainable relationships between patient leaders and healthcare professionals.’ If successful, the local health care system will benefit from the development of a new collaborative team with a shared experience and outlook on what needs to be different coupled with the ‘support to create new models of care that are co-designed with patients and communities’. Through research on the concept of distributed leadership, I have been able to identify how certain roles are deliberately dispersed through the leadership effort as outlined in The Kings Fund literature, whereas the concept of leaderful practice offers a more complementary view. Leaderful practice focuses more on the practices involved in the work of a collective leadership. However, Raelin (2017) not only focuses his attention on the advantages of collective leadership, but he also recognises the objections and fears of the challengers. Collective leadership is considered remote because it challenges the traditional vision of leadership as an attractive and individualistic quality that not only protects us but is also effective when applied. Raelin (2017) believes that in order to move towards a society whereby collective leadership is viable “we will need to challenge our leadership behavior across a number of dimensions. It can no longer occur solely as a vertical transmission of instructions; it needs to occur laterally across a range of individuals connected to each other. It must consequently shift from being authority-based to practice-based or from procedure adherence to contestable moments. It will occur within a specific context rather than as a generic style, and apropos of this provocation, it will be anchored by a constellation of complementary co-leaders”. Raelin’s (2017) emphasis is therefore far more on the practice of leadership throughout an organisation rather than on structure; as seen in the distributed leadership theory outlined by (Bennett et al, 2003).
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