
2018-05-22 01:45

suggests children develop through a series of universal pre-determined stages. He believed that children are unable to learn new concepts if they are not at a particular stage of development. Unlike Maslow (1970), Piaget focused on intellectual development and it could be interpreted that children will progress regardless of 'basic needs' being met. This may be considered to be an over- simplistic theory as individual differences are not accounted for.The school runs a breakfast club which ensures all children in the school have the opportunity to start the day with a healthy meal. Some families simply do not have enough money to provide their children with breakfast, which is why the school offers free places to particular individuals.Cross and Macdonald (2009, p.78) claim that poor performance in the classroom is a result of missing breakfast and not being able to find enough energy in the morning to cope with classroom demands. This opinion echoes that of Maslow's. It may be argued that this is an over simplistic statement as it is likely that other factors and variables contribute towards performance.