
2019-06-27 07:53

今天我们生活在信息和通信技术的时代。科技的力量已经俘获了新一代的心,这种影响也可以在医学教育领域看到。在这种竞争激烈的情况下,学生的教学技术是使用视听辅助工具,如幻灯片演示、动画视频、电影等,也可以两者结合使用。讲座是最传统、最老式和最具说教性的教学方法,它的目的是用一种方式传递信息,在必须同时教授大量学习者时尤其有用。组织良好的讲座仍然是集成和组织来自多个来源的关于复杂主题的信息的最有效方法之一。演讲通常通过在黑板上强调重点,通过投影仪(OHP)将书面或印刷材料投影到透明胶片上,或越来越多地通过计算机系统,尤其是Microsoft power point(PP)和animation videos3,来得到视听辅助。传统的粉笔对话方法提供了强大的师生互动,但其有效性随着班级学生人数的增加而下降。此外,维持纪律和吸引注意力也会受到阻碍。OHPs缺乏显示运动图像的能力,具有较差的可视性和光学聚焦。微软的PP幻灯片,配以多媒体投影仪,使教学发生了革命性的变化。文本以及视听剪辑可以很容易地播放在PP幻灯片上。动画是指可以在多媒体投影仪(MP)上播放的3D视频剪辑。它们提供了一种视觉模拟,在保持兴趣和理解复杂的医学方面特别方便
 Today we are living in the era of Information and communication technology. The power of technology has captured the minds of new generation and this influence could be seen in the field of medical education too. The technology for teaching students in this competitive scenario is the use of Audio-Visual aids in the form of power point presentations, animation videos, movies etc or can be the combination of both1.Lectures are the most traditional, old fashioned and didactic method of teaching which are meant for one way delivery of information and are especially useful when a large number of learners must be taught at one time. Well organized lecture remains one of the most effective ways to integrate and organize information from multiple sources on complex topics2.Lectures are often supported by audio-visual aids by emphasizing key points on the black board, the projection of written or printed matter on transparencies via an overhead projector(OHP) or increasingly nowadays via a computer based system, notably Microsoft power point(PP) & animation videos3.The traditional chalk-talk methodology provides strong student-teacher interaction, but its effectiveness declines as the number of students in the class increases. Furthermore, maintenance of discipline and drawing attention gets hampered4.OHPs lack the ability to display moving images, have poor visibility and optical focus. Microsoft PP slides, accompanied with multimedia projectors, have remarkably revolutionized teaching. Texts as well as audiovisual clips can be easily played on PP slides. Animations refer to 3D video clips that can be played on a multimedia projector (MP). They provide a visual simulation that is particularly handy in sustaining interest and understanding complex medical