
2018-02-20 23:18

For some students and their families, English will not be their first language. As a result they might appear shy, reserved or distant. The likelihood of added stress and miscommunication is increased when clients have little or no English language skills. We often forget how difficult it is for someone from a different background to understand our language. This not only relates to formal English. In this country, we use a lot of idiomatic language that has no relationship to the original English language, which people from other countries find somewhat confusing. For example, 'How'ya goin' or 'G'day' or 'It's a stinker today but it'll soon be raining cats'n'dogs'. English translations or the use of slang and colloquialisms can be stressful to people from other cultures. So can speaking too quickly or at too low or too high a volume, not listening actively, not asking questions, using offensive body language and gestures, and/or inappropriate humour.