
2017-06-09 01:18

使用社交媒体是许多学生日常生活的一部分。脸谱网是最广泛使用的工具,超过5亿活跃用户在2010(脸谱网,2011)。平均每天50%的用户登录,每天花费约55分钟上传照片,阅读配置文件和搜索的朋友(脸谱网,2011)。啁啾”或通过推特发送短信息急剧增加,在过去的几年里,随着2010 1亿个新帐户,从400万2008(推特,2010)。YouTube也很受欢迎,每周观看20亿个视频,而平均用户每天花费15分钟在网站上搜索2010(YouTube,2011)。最近的一项研究发现,社交媒体的使用在高校提高学生的参与和提高教师参与(碛和科尔新安怡,2008)。然而,作者还认为,许多教师缺乏技术技能,需要有效地使用社交媒体在他们的教室。研究解决方案(2011)探讨美国高校教师社会化媒体使用情况。他们发现近三分之二的教师在课堂上使用社交媒体工具,超过40%的学生要求阅读或查看课外的社交媒体网站。2010地平线报告断言,社会媒体将继续“深刻的影响”学习,知识的产生和创造力在专上机构(联合体,2010)。
Using social media is a part of everyday experience for many students. Facebook is the most widely used tool with over 500 million active users in 2010 (Facebook, 2011). On average 50% of users log in daily and spend approximately 55 minutes per day uploading photos, reading profiles and searching for friends (Facebook, 2011). "Tweeting" or sending short messages through Twitter has increased dramatically over the past few years with 100 million new accounts in 2010, up from 4 million 2008 (Twitter, 2010). YouTube is also very popular with 2 billion videos watched per week, and the average user spending 15 minute a day searching the site in 2010 (YouTube, 2011).The proliferation of social media tools has fostered much debate within the educational community. A recent study found that social media use in colleges increased student engagement and improved faculty participation (Junco & Cole-Avent, 2008). However, the authors also suggested that many instructors lacked the technological skills needed to use social media effectively in their classrooms. A study conducted by Solutions (2011) explored social media use of faculty members in U.S. higher education institutions. They found nearly two-thirds of all faculty used social media tools in their classrooms with over 40% requiring students to read or view social media sites outside of class. The 2010 Horizon Report asserted that social media would continue to have "profound implications" for learning, knowledge generation and creativity in post-secondary institutions (Consortium, 2010).