加州代写Assignment 创新时期

2016-12-23 12:07



加州代写Assignment 创新时期

Essentially, one could argue that both period of innovation and period of recession posses great challenges to a leader and the accomplishment of the organization goals essentially depends on how best the leader motivate and inspires his or her team and encourage them to come up with new ideas to change and implement such ideas (Zwell, 2000). Everybody knows that in the period of innovation great leader encourage innovations however, very few people know that in the period of recession the techniques that could take out a leader out of crises and give a new touch of sense and purpose is also innovation (Gerstner, 2002). This is evident from the Kellogg's leadership during 1930s great depression where every organization was cutting back on its advertising budget while the Kellogg instead doubled its advertisement budget. The corporate history is full of such examples as the renowned Texas Instrument (TI) also introduced their revolutionary radio transistor during the recession period of 1954 (HBR, 2011). The same is the case with Apple iPod that has been introduced just after the 9/11 attacks on the USA (Apple, 2010).
The lesson that could be learned from the above is that during the time when an organization is confronted with downing sales, it’s the leadership within an organization that could enable a business concern by giving them a new set of direction and purpose that in turn inject fresh blood into the organization (Sugarman, 2002). By clarifying the purpose of business organization through redefinition of the business mission and vision and then creating business values on the basis of the mission and vision of the organization and creating and fostering organization's wide atmosphere of trust and cooperation between different stakeholders including the managers, employees, customers and the supply chain the company could accomplish its long-term goals and objectives (Zwell, 2000). During such time, great leaders set out priorities and then influence the behavior of other within an organization to work for the accomplishment of the prioritize objectives (Brandum, 2006).