
2018-05-17 00:27

显然,在线学习意味着孤立地学习,没有固定的时间表和适当的学习时间,它需要很强的自我激励和自律来成为一个好的学习者(Dogra 2011a)。她警告说,这种学习方式完全不适合那些需要老师经常和即时反馈的学生。Pakhare(2008)表示他同意Dogra的声明,并说没有面对面的交流导致了学生的作业和实地调查的直接反馈失败。他们可能没有自己的问题,也没有像传统课堂上的教授或同学们解决的最后一课的问题,这可以作为一个人学习的障碍(Kartha 2011)。在收到反馈的情况下,学生必须等待很长时间,直到老师回顾他们的工作(10大远程学习劣势)。此外,根据“远程学习的利弊”这篇文章,在大多数传统学院/大学(如图书馆、体育场、研究区和实验室)支持学术资源,在线学习环境更具挑战性。当提到不可能“放弃(ping)一个辅导中心或参加额外的帮助”时,这是相当实际的。因此,学习过程,由于所有这些因素,将会变得不那么有效。
Apparently, online learning means studying in isolation and without a set schedule and proper study timings and it demands strong self-motivation and self-discipline to be a good learner (Dogra 2011a). She warns that this type of learning is totally not suitable for students who need regular and instant feedbacks from instructors. Pakhare (2008) expresses his agreement with Dogra's statement and says that the absence of face-to-face communication results in the failure of receiving immediate feedbacks for students' assignments and fieldwork studies. They may not have their problems and questions of the last lesson solved by professors or classmates as in a traditional class, which can function as a barrier in one's learning (Kartha 2011). In case of receiving feedbacks, students have to wait for a long time, till the instructors review their work (Top 10 distance learning disadvantages). In addition, according to the article "Pros and cons of distance learning", whereas academic resources are supported in most conventional colleges/universities such as libraries, stadiums, study areas and laboratories, online learning environment is much more challenging. It is pretty practical when mentioning the impossibility of "drop[ping] a tutoring center or attend[ing] extra help". Therefore, learning process, due to all of these factors, will be less effective.