
2017-04-07 00:38

particularly the Israeli government and the US administration, need to place good faith in the very real possibility that they will gain in the longer term and secure a peace that will be lasting and encourage positive relations and economic prosperity for Arabs and Israeli’s alike. The Arab-Israeli conflict is comprised of many complex issues - so the Quartet, as facilitators, should clearly define their responsibilities and limit the agenda to key humanitarian security issues, particularly the illegal Israeli settlements and food, water and land security for the Palestinians. In returning to these pivotal issues, the Quartet would enhance their role in mediating between the two sides and seek to reinstate a viable peace process that will ultimately pick up where the international community left off at Camp David and Oslo, and achieve a realistic resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.Through this redefinition and applying the international relations since Camp David, there is a real potential to then set a realistic timetable, enforced and carried through by legal precedent and the de facto multilateralism that the Quartet remit permits. Ultimately, by exercising the power that it undoubtedly possesses as a mediator and facilitator, the Quartet can make positive impact in the amelioration and even the resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, particularly in the reinvigoration of the peace process between the Palestinians and Israelis, which would in turn gain the support of their Arab neighbours.