
2017-01-30 00:48

当组织的竞争应对能力狭窄时,组织可以采用成本聚焦或差异化聚焦战略。战略,资生堂一直使用最能被视为重点,组织分化始终瞄准质量和形象在世界不同地区的有意识的个体(Datamonitor,2010)。这可以被认为是集中战略,尽管资生堂已招致更多的成本为组织牺牲成本优势才能有更好的焦点,除了组织具有很高的研发预算,使该公司推出新的产品范围一致。波特的一般战略模型的五种力量模型也存在一定的缺陷,包括波特假设总成本领先战略是成功的策略(勒夫曼et al.,2006)。然而,事实上,在大多数情况下,包括差异化战略成为成功的战略。此外,波特认为,成本的重点和差异化战略不能共存,但事实是,越来越多的组织正在关注他们的注意力,同时利用差异化和整体成本领先战略(奥玛尔,2005)。例如,宝洁公司在化妆品市场最大的竞争对手是具有总成本领先优势和差异化优势(基彭伯格,1998)。此外,在市场的低成本优势可能并不总是导致市场的领导地位,特别是在最大的用户群,对于一个特定的产品属于上游的细分市场,比如化妆品行业在市场中的领导地位是从能力成功区分产品


When the competitive cope of the organization is narrow the organization may use the cost focus or differentiation focus strategy. The strategy that Shiseido has been using could best be regarded as differentiation focus as the organization has been consistently targeting the quality and image conscious individuals in different parts of the world (DataMonitor, 2010). This could be regarded as focused strategy and although Shiseido has been incurring more cost as the organization is sacrificing the cost advantage in order to have better focus, besides the organization has high R&D budget that enable the firm to introduce new range of products consistently. Porter's generic strategy model like five forces model also suffers from certain weaknesses that include the Porter's assumption that the overall cost leadership strategy is mostly the successful strategy (Luffman et al., 2006). However the fact is that in most of the cases, including the differentiation strategy emerged as successful strategy. In addition, Porter's assume that the cost focus and the differentiation strategy could not co-exist, however the fact is that increasingly organizations are focusing their attentions to avail both the differentiation and overall cost leadership strategy (Omar, 2005). For example P&G the largest rival in the cosmetic market is having both the overall cost leadership advantage as well as the differentiation advantage (Kippenberger, 1998). Moreover, the low-cost advantage in the market may not always lead to the market leadership position, particularly when the largest group of users for a particular product belongs to the upstream market segment, for example the cosmetics industry where the market leadership position essentially emerged from the ability to successfully differentiate the offerings